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Post by Baxajaun »

Buenas noches,

en el grupo sobre Harbour en Facebook he encontrado este editor:

Y uno de los componentes del grupo (Vlad Ermakoff) comenta lo siguiente:

Good source code editor SynWrite which supports Harbour syntax highlighting and integrates with compiler.

It's not an advertising because Synwrite is free and open source.

Some tips for configuration for Harbour.

First, in menu "Options"->"Customize lexer library" - uncheck "Foxpro" item.

How to configurate compiler calling is described in Help, topic "External tools", here are just some hints. In my projects I use hbmk2 and .hbm file with the same name as the main file of a project, so in the field "File name" put hbmk2.exe and in the field "Parameters" just put "{FileName}".
Or you can put there a name of a batch file that you use for build your projects.
For "capture output" you'll need a regular expression for output pattern, so here it is:

(\w+\.prg)\((\d+)\) .*

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