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bug Fivewin printer.prg

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 6:56 pm

En source/printer.prg hay que usar FWStrings en :

METHOD New( cDocument, lUser, lPreview, cModel, lModal, lSelection, cFile ) CLASS TPrinter

MsgStop( "There are no printers installed!" + CRLF + ;
"Please exit this application and install a printer." )

METHOD _EndPage() CLASS TPrinter
MsgAlert( "The temporal metafile could not be created",;
"Printer object Error" )

MsgAlert("Could not create temporary file: "+Atail(::aMeta)+CRLF+CRLF+;
"Please check your free space on your hard drive "+CRLF+;
"and the amount of files handles available." ,;
"Print preview error" )

Muchas gracias.

Re: bug Fivewin printer.prg

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:45 am
by Antonio Linares

Gracias por avisarnos. Voy a corregirlo cuanto antes,