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Using .NET library
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:43 am
by Marc Vanzegbroeck
Is is possible to use a .NET library with FWH? Or is it better to create a seperate EXE-file compiled with the .NET library, and transfer the data with a text-file.
A want to use a .NET library file that generate drawings. My program give the correct data to create it.
Re: Using .NET library
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:07 pm
by Antonio Linares
Re: Using .NET library
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:42 pm
by Antonio Linares
Re: Using .NET library
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:47 pm
by Marc Vanzegbroeck
When I press the link get
You do not have access to the wiki.
Use the links at the top to get back.
Re: Using .NET library
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:10 pm
by Antonio Linares
Please try it again, it should be ok now
FiveNet source code is very simple: We create a .NET DLL that we register and we manage from a Harbour application.
When we need some .NET value from the Harbour app, then we use a C DLL that access the code from the EXE.
Re: Using .NET library
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:12 am
by Marc Vanzegbroeck
if I understand correctly, I need to create a .NET exe with my function to generate my drawings, and call a function from the harbour application.
Re: Using .NET library
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:24 am
by Antonio Linares
A .NET DLL, and then use the DLL from the Harbour app
In FiveNet makefile you can see how the DLL is created from a C sharp file:
Code: Select all | Expand
fivenet.dll : fivetech.cs
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\csc /out:samples\fivenet.dll /target:library source\cs\fivetech.cs
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\regasm samples\fivenet.dll /tlb
Also, the DLL needs to be registered:
Code: Select all | Expand
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\regasm fivenet.dll /tlb
Re: Using .NET library
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:26 am
by Antonio Linares
From FiveNet/source/prg/fivenet.prg this init procedure creates an OLE (.NET) object:
Code: Select all | Expand
init procedure FiveNet
local bError
if oFiveNet == nil
oFiveNet = win_oleCreateObject( "FiveTech.FiveNet" )
catch bError
wapi_MessageBox( 0, "Can't create object 'FiveTech.FiveNet'",;
"Please use register.bat", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION )
Re: Using .NET library
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:32 am
by Antonio Linares
In other words:
Once the DLL is registered we can instantiate an OLE object to manage the DLL from the Harbour app
Re: Using .NET library
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:51 am
by Marc Vanzegbroeck
If I run go.bat, I get :
C:\_vmsdata\FWH\Fivenet>if not exist obj md obj
C:\_vmsdata\FWH\Fivenet>c:\_vmsdata\FWH\bcc55\bin\make -ffivenet.mak
MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\csc /out:samples\fivenet.dll /ta
rget:library source\cs\fivetech.cs
Microsoft (R) Visual C# 2008 Compiler versie 3.5.30729.5420
voor Microsoft (R) .NET Framework versie 3.5
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle rechten voorbehouden.
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\regasm samples\fivenet.dll
Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Assembly Registration Utility 2.0.50727.5483
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2004. Alle rechten voorbehouden.
Typen zijn geregistreerd
Assembly is geëxporteerd naar C:\_vmsdata\FWH\Fivenet\samples\fivenet.tlb en de
typebibliotheek is geregistreerd
C:\_vmsdata\FWH\bcc55\bin\bcc32 -c source\c\ftsnet.c
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
C:\_vmsdata\FWH\bcc55\bin\ilink32 /Tpd C:\_vmsdata\FWH\bcc55\lib\c0d32.o
bj ftsnet.obj, samples\ftsnet.dll,,C:\_vmsdata\FWH\bcc55\lib\cw32.lib C:\_vmsdat
Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
Kan C:\_vmsdata\FWH\Fivenet\samples\ftsnet.obj niet vinden
Kan C:\_vmsdata\FWH\Fivenet\samples\ftsnet.tlb niet vinden
So everything looks fine, except the 2 last lines. He can't find ftsnet.obj, and ftsnet.tlb.
Is that an error, or is this normal, because in the MAK-file, I see
ftsnet.dll : ftsnet.c
$(BCDIR)\bin\bcc32 -c source\c\ftsnet.c
$(BCDIR)\bin\ilink32 /Tpd $(BCDIR)\lib\c0d32.obj ftsnet.obj, samples\ftsnet.dll,,$(BCDIR)\lib\cw32.lib $(BCDIR)\import32.lib
@del samples\ftsnet.i*
@del samples\
@del samples\ftsnet.obj
@del samples\ftsnet.tds
@del samples\ftsnet.tlb
Re: Using .NET library
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 11:59 am
by Marc Vanzegbroeck
Before i have tried it with an old version of xharbour and got an error.
Now I tested it with Harbour and BCC7, and it's working!!!
Re: Using .NET library
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:36 pm
by Antonio Linares
very good

Re: Using .NET library
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 2:20 am
by vilian
Do you know if is possible to integrate FWH with this ?
Could you help us ?
Re: Using .NET library
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 7:14 am
by Antonio Linares
Why don't you contact them for a C compatible DLL version ?
That may be much easier

Re: Using .NET library
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:37 am
by vilian
I will ask them.