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Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:36 pm
by HunterEC

Versión en español:

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Hope you all are doing ok. Next July the FW team will host the 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference.
Here's the link:

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This will be an UNIQUE, and the 1st opportunity EVER, to have the FW development team teaching us (under the same roof) new technologies, tips and tricks about our beloved FW. Also they'll be answering questions and our requests for updates. I'd NEVER seen, as of today, a company that do bug fixes, updates and new developments as fast as Antonio and the FW team do. Not even Microsoft.

We need to backup this event. We need our voices to be heard as one. If we want [x]Harbour and FW to get to the next level, where more programmers adopt them, new technologies be incorporated into them, we should attend this event. The FW team is bringing people from other countries to teach us some of the best FW techniques. Almost all of us do commercial developments (we get paid for our work), so now it is the time to show our support for all the things we'd been able to accomplish with FW. I URGE all forum members to attend this event. The more people attend, the better networking we can build. It is time to put faces to the names that post messages. It will be a great place to share ideas, even show off software in our laptops, through the web, or however you want. If you are unable to attend, for whatever reason, then DONATE any amount to this event. No donation is too small. I see this as an investment in our own professional future.

I'm asking you guys for your support on my own behalf, none of the FW team members have asked me to do this. I'm just a regular programmer, like you all, who buys his FW updates and post questions at this forum.

Thank you very much and the Lord Jesus bless you all.

Re: Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:59 am
by Antonio Linares
Dear Gustavo,

I heartily thank you

Re: Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:16 am
by vilian

Are you going to broadcast online the event ?

Re: Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:07 pm
by Antonio Linares
Not sure about how to do it

Could someone help with this ?

Re: Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:28 pm
by Baxajaun
Hi Gustavo,

it's a great idea. We need an account to donate.

Dear Otto could you provide an account for donations ?

Thanks for the initiative.

Re: Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 1:23 pm
by hmpaquito
Pues sí Félix, estaría bien que se estableciera un punto de donaciones con posibilidad de que quien haga una donación mínima reciba a cambio por ejemplo, algún material de los seminarios, alguna grabacion... qué sé yo.... es por dar alguna idea...

BTW, qué buena conferencia sería la que tratara sobre WebServices on Harbour... Soap, Rest, Rest-Full, Curl, Soap Kit... Ejemplos de uso y de remate, creación de webservices.

Re: Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 1:27 pm
by vilian

Re: Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 1:27 pm
by vilian

I don't know if it's the best way, but faceboook make this.

Re: Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:36 pm
by TimStone
I would love to attend, but it is not likely. I would also love to visit Austria ... it looks so beautiful. The people in this group are all wonderful, and it would be a most pleasurable visit.

However, family obligations, and my lack of youth, tend to limit extended travel at this time. I would appreciate a live stream of the event.

Re: Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:51 pm
by dagiayunus
Dear Sir,

YouTube support live streaming.

Introduction to live streaming


Re: Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 5:56 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
I agree with YOU .

But in that period (July) I must stay at School Because I have fifth class exams at my school and I have to be available to more than half of July.

this since 1985. We who work in school we have free and only available in August.

I confess I would love to participate not because I do not know Antonio Linares

I met Antonio Linares and his wife Sylvia years ago in a restaurant next to the Olympic Stadium in Rome with my friend Enrico Maria Giordano for the moment of a pizza -

I live in Abruzzo not know if you've heard about earthquakes and snow which destroyed many of Abruzzo town and I live in Teramo which is about 200 km from Rome

but I confess I would and I want to know Cristobal, Reinaldo, Otto and especially Nages

although I confess that the journey it is very hard because I live far enough and the only way to arrive is by car for about 700 km

But I'm not scared for this often I go to visit my brother in Bergamo (585 km)

I will not make a promise, but if I'm free from work commitments and if my employer will consent to reach you I will be happy to participate

but at this moment I'm not sure and I can not take a clear commitment

I hope you understand what is my problem


Re: Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 7:45 pm
by driessen
I hope I can attend the convention.
But due to several circumstances, I only can decide by 15th of April.

Re: Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 4:29 am
by bpd2000
Antonio Linares wrote:Not sure about how to do it

Could someone help with this ?


Re: Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:52 am
by Baxajaun
Dear Otto,

could you provide an account for donations ?

Thanks for the initiative.

King regards

Re: Respectfully: Open letter to ALL FW forum members

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:42 am
by Antonio Linares
Otto just told me that they are modifying their website to accept donations to their PayPal account: