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Insert images in Mysql/Mariadb
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 9:33 pm
by Marc Venken
Looking into the posts, i didn't find my solution for the folowing problem.
All members of my soccer club will give me the pictures of each player to put into a online member system.
I put a field by MyAdmin into the database with folowing data :
Name "foto" and type "MEDIUM BLOB"
I see that I get a upload buttom from Phpmyadmin, and that Xbrowse is showing the picture afther I upload
I Use Xbrowse for all screens, but how do I put the files, that I have on disk into each row of Xbrowse for the online database ?
In a normal dbf structure, I always put a link (c:\foto\image1212) to a file on disk and show it that way, but with SQL/Maria it will go into the BLOB database ?
How do I proceed ?
Maybe the online invoice sample can be expanded with product foto's show into the xbrowse and insert from files on disk ?
Re: Insert images in Mysql/Mariadb
Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 4:38 am
by nnicanor
Hi Marc,
When you upload an image file into database you can use directly using Image object through :LoadFromMemory( oQry:Picture ) method of image class
if want to save to disk you can use this example oQry is a query from table with flowing columns finename and file blob field
Code: Select all | Expand
Function SaveToDisk( oQry )
LOCAL nHandle
LOCAL cDir := cGetDir( "Select Folder",;
CurDrive() + ":\" + GetCurDir() + "\" )
LOCAL oQryFind
IF ! Empty( cDir )
oQryFind = TDolphinQry():New( "select file from files where id=" + ClipValue2Sql( oQry:Id ), oQry:oServer )
nHandle := FCreate( cDir + "\" + AllTrim( oQry:filename ) )
IF FError() # 0
MsgInfo( "Error Saving File " + cDir + "\" + AllTrim( oQry:filename ) )
FWrite( nHandle, oQryFind:file, Len( oQryFind:file ) )
FClose( nHandle )
cFilename := alltrim(oQry:filename)
MsgInfo( "File Saved in Folder: " + cDir )
if Msgyesno("Do you Want to Open File ?")
Re: Insert images in Mysql/Mariadb
Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 6:40 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr Venken
It is much simpler with FWH
Method (1)
Open the table as RowSet
Code: Select all | Expand
oRs := oCn:Rowset( "tablename" )
// position the row on the member
oRs:foto := MEMOREAD( <fotofilename> )
Without opening the table.
Assume the ID of the member is 99 and the member is already in the database
Code: Select all | Expand
oCn:Update( <tablename>, "foto", { MEMOREAD( filename) }, "id -= 99" )
if we want to add a new record with both member name and his photo
Code: Select all | Expand
oCn:Insert( <tablename>, "name,foto", { "Mark Venken", MEMOREAD( "fotofilename" ) } )
Re: Insert images in Mysql/Mariadb
Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 11:43 am
by Marc Venken
Thanks. I gonna implement this into my program.
Re: Insert images in Mysql/Mariadb
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 2:54 am
by fraxzi
Hi Mr. Rao,
How about using SQL with blob for MariaDB?
Re: Insert images in Mysql/Mariadb
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 4:09 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Using FWH functions is a lot easier than preparing your own SQL statement.
The field has to be created as a BLOB field only.
Re: Insert images in Mysql/Mariadb
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:06 am
by fraxzi
nageswaragunupudi wrote:Using FWH functions is a lot easier than preparing your own SQL statement.
The field has to be created as a BLOB field only.
I got it. Based on MariaDB Wiki, it is very much simple.
Soon, I'll get my hands on my FWH upgrade..