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book about FIVEWIN

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 10:53 pm
by Otto
Hello Antonio,

I have a FIVEWIN script. This is a very professional book about FIVEWIN with 250 pages.
The script is in German. Does someone know who has the copyright of this book.
Is this a translation from an English book?
I read there:
If one wants to understand OOP he should get objects.lib with documentation from Antonio Linares Software.

Antonio is this still available?

Thanks in advance



Re: book about FIVEWIN

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 7:53 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Otto wrote:I read there:
If one wants to understand OOP he should get objects.lib with documentation from Antonio Linares Software.

Antonio is this still available?

It was the old OOP engine used by Fivewin at Clipper times. It is replaced by [x]Harbour native OOP engine that (I imagine) is derived from the old one.


Re: book about FIVEWIN

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 8:45 am
by Antonio Linares

yes, right.

Otto, I guess that script is based on FiveWin docs. Could you scan it or provide copies of it to users here ?

many thanks

Re: book about FIVEWIN

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:28 am
by Otto
Dear Antonio,

Can you please share the "documentation from Antonio Linares Software" which is mentioned.
I will send you an email.
Best regards,

PS:This is the translation of the first sentence.
The developers had a lot of fun to program FiveWin.

Re: book about FIVEWIN

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 3:31 pm
by Antonio Linares
Dear Otto,

Please review inside this zip file:

Re: book about FIVEWIN

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 7:12 pm
by Otto
Dear Antonio,

thank you. Which software do I need to read ng files.

Thanks in advance

Re: book about FIVEWIN

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 7:46 pm
by cnavarro

Re: book about FIVEWIN

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 6:27 am
by Otto
Dear Cristobal,
thank you. Do you know another program or an online Service to convert ng-files.
I have installed Adaptive Defense 360 on all my systems.
Adaptive Defense 360 has detected a potentially malicious attempt to run the application "WEGSetup.exe".

Best regards,

Re: book about FIVEWIN

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 6:04 pm
by TimStone

I just downloaded and installed that WEG version, and had no problem. Sometimes those programs are hyper sensitive to software they don't have listed in their records. My own malware protection software had no warnings with the download or install.

I purchased a floppy drive reader, and tried to do an install of FW 1.9, but it uses a 16 bit installer which won't work on my 64 bit systems. I have backup disks of old versions of the software, so I can look for them and see if I have an old FWH backup that includes the older NG files. If so, perhaps the docs will be there for me to share. I think they were present on the FW versions back when we had a "U.S. Publisher", before Antonio took back control of FW throughout the world. Unfortunately some of my backups from that time are on ZIP disks and ( the old Omega Zip Drive ) and so don't know that I have a compatible reader any longer. I'll look.


Re: book about FIVEWIN

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 12:54 am
by TimStone
After careful review of all the files I have, there are several that are not on the current distributions of FWH. I have some PDF files, and one .NG file. The .NG can be read by the current .NG viewer referenced in an earlier reply. However that viewer does not have the ability to export the file into something I can work with. I have two programs, Expert Help, and Guide ++ that could be run on 32 bit computers ( they were 16 bit programs ), but neither will run in my 64 bit systems. I believe one of those allowed for the export of .NG files into an alternate format, and those I could then read into my Help File creator ...

I'm not sure that any are what you have, but they may be helpful to people who want to review the basics of Five Win.


Re: book about FIVEWIN

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 7:25 am
by Marc Venken
I see some NG related programs on the Oasis site.

Maybe the NG -> HTML converter can help ?

Re: book about FIVEWIN

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:03 pm
by TimStone
Those are all 16 bit programs ... won't run under 64 bit

Re: book about FIVEWIN

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:55 pm
by Roger Seiler
You will find all of Antonio's original tutorial text about OOP and his Objects engine in \FWH\Manual\fwprog.hlp. Plus a lot of other useful tutorials about program design and how to use Fivewin. - Roger