FWH 18.01 & xBrowse numeric display
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 10:58 pm
I have found an interesting problem with the xBrowse display of numeric data.
Here is the code used for the browse:
revold is 0.00
revamp is 574.71
the xbrowse shows revold + revamt as 574.7100000000000036
I had this in another xbrowse also where I had to specify a PICTURE clause plus a size for the field. In that case it was displaying a column with numeric data stored in a .dbf with a structure of N. 12,2
This is a new issue not found in any previous version of xBrowse, but clearly in FWH 18.01.
Here is the code used for the browse:
Code: Select all | Expand
// Create the browse control
DATASOURCE oEditWork:oWorkRevise ;
ID 605 OF oDre ;
HEADERS " Date ", " Time ", " Previous ", " Add ", " New Total ", " Shop Rep ", " Contacted ", " " ;
COLUMNS "revdat", "revtim", "revold", "(revold + revamt )", "revrep", "revcnt", " " ;
ON CHANGE ( nRevTot := oEditWork:oWorkRevise:revold + oEditWork:oWorkRevise:revamt, oDre:update() ) ;
// Provide the header gradient
oLbx09:bClrGrad := aPubGrad
// Set the styles
oLbx09:nMarqueeStyle := MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROW
oLbx09:nColDividerStyle := LINESTYLE_RAISED
oLbx09:nRowDividerStyle := LINESTYLE_RAISED
oLbx09:nHeadStrAligns := AL_CENTER
oLbx09:nStretchCol := STRETCHCOL_LAST
revold is 0.00
revamp is 574.71
the xbrowse shows revold + revamt as 574.7100000000000036
I had this in another xbrowse also where I had to specify a PICTURE clause plus a size for the field. In that case it was displaying a column with numeric data stored in a .dbf with a structure of N. 12,2
This is a new issue not found in any previous version of xBrowse, but clearly in FWH 18.01.