Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 9:16 am
I inserted the dbInfo description into an array to show the Infos in a Xbrowse.
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I inserted the dbInfo description into an array to show the Infos in a Xbrowse.
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function f_dbInfo()
local aDBInfo := {}
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_ALIAS", dbInfo(DBI_ALIAS), 'Alias name of the work area as a string.' } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_BLOB_DIRECT_LEN", dbInfo(DBI_BLOB_DIRECT_LEN), ' Returns the storage length of a data item in a ' +;
'BLOB file. <expNewSetting> must specify a ' +;
'valid BLOB pointer obtained from ' +;
'bFieldInfo(DBS_BLOB_POINTER, <nFieldpos>), ' +;
'LOBDirectPut() or BLOBDirectImport(). ' } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_BLOB_DIRECT_TYPE", dbInfo(DBI_BLOB_DIRECT_TYPE ), 'Returns the data type of a data item in a BLOB' + CRLF + ;
'file. <expNewSetting> must specify a valid BLOB' + CRLF + ;
'pointer obtained from' + CRLF + ;
'DbFieldInfo (DBS_BLOB_POINTER, <nFieldpos>),' + CRLF + ;
'BLOBDirectPut(), or BLOBDirectImport().' } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_BLOB_INTEGRITY", dbInfo(DBI_BLOB_INTEGRITY ), "Tests a BLOB file for the integrity of its " +;
"internal tables and returns a logical value " +;
"indicating the success, true (.T.) or failure, " +;
"false (.F.) of the integrity check. If the " +;
"integrity check fails, you can run " +;
"dbInfo(DBI_BLOB_RECOVER) which will " +;
"automatically correct the BLOB file's tables. " +;
"Checking a BLOB file's integrity is a disk " +;
"intensive operation and should only be " +;
"performed when the file's integrity is in " +;
"question." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_BLOB_OFFSET", dbInfo(DBI_BLOB_OFFSET ), 'Returns the file offset of a data item in a ' +;
'BLOB file. <expNewSetting> must specify a valid ' +;
'BLOB pointer obtained from ' +;
'dbFieldInfo(DBS_BLOB_POINTER, <nFieldpos>), ' +;
'BLOBDirectPut(), or BLOBDirectImport().' } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_BLOB_RECOVER", dbInfo(DBI_BLOB_RECOVER ), "Recovers a damaged BLOB file by correcting its " +;
"internal tables. You should run this function " +;
"only is dbInfo(DBI_BLOB_INTEGRITY) returns " +;
"false (.F.). Note that this function can only " +;
"correct the BLOB file's internal tables, it " +;
"cannot restore any data that may have become " +;
"corrupted." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_BOF", dbInfo(DBI_BOF ), "Logical value indicating the work area's " +;
"beginning of file status (see Bof())." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_CANPUTREC", dbInfo(DBI_CANPUTREC ), "Logical value indicating whether the work area " +;
"supports putting records." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_CHILDCOUNT", dbInfo(DBI_CHILDCOUNT ), "Number of relations set from this work area." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_DB_VERSION", dbInfo(DBI_DB_VERSION ), "String containing version information of the " +;
"host RDD. If the optional <expNewSetting> " +;
"parameter is provided, and it is one (1), the " +;
"result is a more detailed version of the " +;
"version being returned." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_DBFILTER", dbInfo( DBI_DBFILTER ), "Filter expression as a string ( see dbFilter() )." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_EOF", dbInfo(DBI_EOF ), "Logical value indicating the work area's end of " +;
"file status (see Eof())." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_FCOUNT", dbInfo(DBI_FCOUNT ), "Number of fields (see FCount())." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_FILEHANDLE", dbInfo(DBI_FILEHANDLE ), "Integer representing the DOS file handle for " +;
"this database file." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_FOUND", dbInfo(DBI_FOUND ), "Logical value indicating the success or failure " +;
"of the last seek operation in the work area " +;
"(see Found())." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_FCOUNT", dbInfo(DBI_FCOUNT ), "Number of fields (see FCount())." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_FULLPATH", dbInfo(DBI_FULLPATH ), "Returns the full path name of the opened " +;
"database file." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_GETDELIMITER", dbInfo(DBI_GETDELIMITER ), "Default delimiter." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_GETHEADERSIZE", dbInfo(DBI_GETHEADERSIZE ), "Header size of the file (see Header())." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_GETLOCKARRAY", dbInfo(DBI_GETLOCKARRAY ), "Array of locked records." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_GETRECSIZE", dbInfo(DBI_GETRECSIZE ), "Record size of the file (see RecSize())." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_ISDBF", dbInfo(DBI_ISDBF ), "Logical value indicating whether the RDD " +;
"provides support for the .dbf file format." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_ISFLOCK", dbInfo(DBI_ISFLOCK ), "File lock status." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_LASTUPDATE", dbInfo(DBI_LASTUPDATE ), "Last date on which the file was updated (see " +;
"LUpdate())." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_LOCKCOUNT", dbInfo(DBI_LOCKCOUNT ), "Number of locked records." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_LOCKOFFSET", dbInfo(DBI_LOCKOFFSET ), "Current locking offset as a numeric value." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_MEMOBLOCKSIZE", dbInfo(DBI_MEMOBLOCKSIZE ), "Block size for the memo file associated with " +;
"this database." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_MEMOEXT", dbInfo(DBI_MEMOEXT ), "Default extension for the memo file associated " +;
"with this database." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_MEMOHANDLE", dbInfo(DBI_MEMOHANDLE ), "Integer representing the DOS file handle for " +;
"the memo file associated with this database " +;
"file." } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_RDD_VERSION", dbInfo(DBI_RDD_VERSION ), 'String containing version information of the ' +;
'RDD for this database. If the optional ' +;
'<expNewSetting> parameter is provided, and it ' +;
'is one (1), the result is a more detailed ' +;
'version of the version being returned.' } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_SETDELIMITER", dbInfo(DBI_SETDELIMITER ), 'Default delimiter.' } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_SHARED", dbInfo(DBI_SHARED ), 'Shared flag value.' } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_TABLEEXT", dbInfo(DBI_TABLEEXT ), 'Database file extension.' } )
AADD( aDBInfo, {"DBI_VALIDBUFFER", dbInfo(DBI_VALIDBUFFER ), 'Logical value indicating whether the current ' + ;
'buffer is valid.' } )
xBrowse( aDBInfo )
return nil