Fivewin a C++ framework
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 7:13 pm
Hello Antonio,
at the moment I am struggling with learning PHP and Symfony for a web project.
Symfony is a framework for PHP and I see parallels to
“FIVEWIN a framework for C++”
Please see Rick’s post. I think Rick is right with his suggestion.
What do you say.
Best regards,
at the moment I am struggling with learning PHP and Symfony for a web project.
Symfony is a framework for PHP and I see parallels to
“FIVEWIN a framework for C++”
Please see Rick’s post. I think Rick is right with his suggestion.
What do you say.
Best regards,
I am glad to see C++ hanging in the top 5 and when people ask me what language I use, I generally tell them "My Final compile is in C++ with the use of the very mature Windows ( add-on ) api FiveWin\xHarbour libraries". I am extremely proud of what Antonio has developed\maintained over the years and I would like to see Fivewin marketed more aggressively to appeal to new and the younger generation of programmers.
I have echoed my personal opinion in this forum several times on starting a discussion on re-branding FiveWin as 'Not Just xBase'. As you know from other programming polls .. xBase use is generally in the over 40-50 year demographic and is not being taught at all to the next generation of coders .. in favor of the dot net IDE. ..
I think the ( entire ) team Antonio has surrounded himself with ( specifically yourself and Rao ) is the future of the FiveWin brand. You bring to the table FiveEdit ( richtext ) which is the IDE ( need a resource editor ) and Rao brings to the table the SQL RDMS component for ADO ... re-packaged as a solid add-on component to C++ for Win api gui apps is where I would like to see the marketing focus ... Database Web apps ( I believe ) have reached a point where they are too easily penetrated and hacked and I applaud the EU for their hawkish policies instituting GDPR which aggressively penalizes companies who do not report data breeches\Web component negligence in a timely manor and do not actively encrypt their vulnerable data as a means of mitigation.
With all that said .. ( in this aggressive world of cyber terrorism ) I think we will see the curtailment of certain on-line database web-sites because the liability of the high likely hood of getting their site penetrated and hacked .. is just a matter of time and the ( inevitable ) re-evaluation in the resurgence of the Win api Gui app ( that is designed to run behind a companies firewall) ..... will be the re-discovery where I think FiveWin can grow and flourish, especially with our younger programmers ... and if my crystal ball is correct .. the time to ( possibly ) re-brand Fivewin as an alternative to capitalize on the ever growing cyber threat driven changing marketplace .. is now.