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send a data to a client

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 11:23 am
by Silvio.Falconi
I finally managed to connect sockserv to the sockcli
and creating an array I saw that when a client connects, it puts the socket number and its ip
as you can see in this picture


Now I wish send a message or a file to client but to a specific client
How I must make ?

I try to send data from server and it send only to the last connected oclient

wich is the command or function to send message to a specific oClient ?

Re: send a data to a client

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:08 pm
by lucasdebeltran
Silvio, can you post the code so far?. Thanks

Re: send a data to a client

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:22 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
I use sockcli.prg and sockserv.prg U found them on samples folder

When a client is connetted to server I create an array with oClient:nSocket and oClient:ClientIP()

I 'am trying to understand How I can acquire information and use the commands of socket

If someone can help me ...

I must not create a netpoint and I not sale my applications I work at school

Re: send a data to a client

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 6:28 am
by MarcoBoschi
did you try sockcli.prg and sockserv.prg in two different computers?
In example in sockserv.prg

Code: Select all | Expand

  DEFINE BUTTON OF oBar ACTION oClient:SendData( "Hello from server!" ) TOOLTIP "Talk to client"

works fine!

Re: send a data to a client

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:41 am
by Silvio.Falconi
SERVER---> Sockserv-prg

one PC----------------------------> Sockcli.prg
Second Pc ----------------------->Sockcli.prg
third Pc -------------------------- >Sockcli.prg

Now I stay on server and send a message ...where I sent the message

only to third Pc...Why ? because only the the server is connected to third pc

oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: send a data to a client

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:37 am
by Antonio Linares

You need to keep an array with all the clients that you are serving.

In FWH\source\classes\tnewssrv.prg there is an example of a News server that uses sockets and multiple clients :-)

Re: send a data to a client

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 10:16 am
by Silvio.Falconi
I hope to build a chat with socket or understand How I can make
I wish call from server a function to snapshot client screen home I cam make ?