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Compilando tDolphin (SOLUCIONADO)

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 12:54 pm
by AngelSalom
Buenas amigos, estoy tratando de compilar tDolphin con hbmk2 (Daniel incluyó las cabeceras en la última revisión) pero no lo logro, me arroja :

Code: Select all | Expand

c:\si\Trabajo\fwh\visionwin20\clases32\tdolphin>hbmk2 tdolphin
hbmk2[tdolphin]: Advertencia: Parámetro no portable: 'libs=lmysql/omf/libmysql'
                 in tdolphin.hbc:8. Utilice la(s) directiva(s)
                 ''libpaths=lmysql\omf', 'libs=libmysql'' en su lugar.
hbmk2[tdolphin]: Advertencia: Parámetro no portable: 'libs=mysql/coff/libmysql'
                 in tdolphin.hbc:9. Utilice la(s) directiva(s)
                 ''libpaths=mysql\coff', 'libs=libmysql'' en su lugar.
hbmk2: Compilando...
Warning W8107 include\mysql_com.h 268: Type name expected
 + Full parser context
 + source\c\function.c, line 61: #include include\mysql.h
 + include\mysql.h, line 71: #include include\mysql_com.h
Error E2139 include\mysql_com.h 268: Declaration missing ;
 + Full parser context
 + source\c\function.c, line 61: #include include\mysql.h
 + include\mysql.h, line 71: #include include\mysql_com.h
Error E2147 include\mysql_com.h 437: 'SOCKET' cannot start a parameter declaration
 + Full parser context
 + source\c\function.c, line 61: #include include\mysql.h
 + include\mysql.h, line 71: #include include\mysql_com.h
Warning W8060 source\c\function.c 849: Possibly incorrect assignment in function HB_FUN_DOLPHINFILLARRAY
Warning W8060 source\c\function.c 1638: Possibly incorrect assignment in function HB_FUN_MYBACKUP
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1747: Undefined symbol 'LCID' in function HB_FUN_GETDECIMALSEP
Error E2379 source\c\function.c 1747: Statement missing ; in function HB_FUN_GETDECIMALSEP
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1748: Undefined symbol 'LPSTR' in function HB_FUN_GETDECIMALSEP
Error E2379 source\c\function.c 1748: Statement missing ; in function HB_FUN_GETDECIMALSEP
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1749: Undefined symbol 'lcid' in function HB_FUN_GETDECIMALSEP
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1749: Undefined symbol 'LOCALE_SDECIMAL' in function HB_FUN_GETDECIMALSEP
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1749: Undefined symbol 'value' in function HB_FUN_GETDECIMALSEP
Error E2109 source\c\function.c 1749: Not an allowed type in function HB_FUN_GETDECIMALSEP
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1749: Undefined symbol 'TCHAR' in function HB_FUN_GETDECIMALSEP
Warning W8082 source\c\function.c 1749: Division by zero in function HB_FUN_GETDECIMALSEP
Warning W8065 source\c\function.c 1749: Call to function 'GetLocaleInfo' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETDECIMALSEP
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1755: Undefined symbol 'LCID' in function HB_FUN_GETTHOUSANDSEP
Error E2379 source\c\function.c 1755: Statement missing ; in function HB_FUN_GETTHOUSANDSEP
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1756: Undefined symbol 'LPSTR' in function HB_FUN_GETTHOUSANDSEP
Error E2379 source\c\function.c 1756: Statement missing ; in function HB_FUN_GETTHOUSANDSEP
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1757: Undefined symbol 'lcid' in function HB_FUN_GETTHOUSANDSEP
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1757: Undefined symbol 'LOCALE_STHOUSAND' in function HB_FUN_GETTHOUSANDSEP
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1757: Undefined symbol 'value' in function HB_FUN_GETTHOUSANDSEP
Error E2109 source\c\function.c 1757: Not an allowed type in function HB_FUN_GETTHOUSANDSEP
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1757: Undefined symbol 'TCHAR' in function HB_FUN_GETTHOUSANDSEP
Warning W8082 source\c\function.c 1757: Division by zero in function HB_FUN_GETTHOUSANDSEP
Warning W8065 source\c\function.c 1757: Call to function 'GetLocaleInfo' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETTHOUSANDSEP
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1764: Undefined symbol 'HWND' in function HB_FUN___OPENCLIPBOARD
Error E2121 source\c\function.c 1764: Function call missing ) in function HB_FUN___OPENCLIPBOARD
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1770: Undefined symbol 'HGLOBAL' in function HB_FUN___SETCLIPBOARDDATA
Error E2379 source\c\function.c 1770: Statement missing ; in function HB_FUN___SETCLIPBOARDDATA
Error E2140 source\c\function.c 1771: Declaration is not allowed here in function HB_FUN___SETCLIPBOARDDATA
Error E2449 source\c\function.c 1771: Size of 'far' is unknown or zero in function HB_FUN___SETCLIPBOARDDATA
Error E2141 source\c\function.c 1771: Declaration syntax error in function HB_FUN___SETCLIPBOARDDATA
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1774: Undefined symbol 'hMem' in function HB_FUN___SETCLIPBOARDDATA
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1774: Undefined symbol 'GHND' in function HB_FUN___SETCLIPBOARDDATA
Warning W8065 source\c\function.c 1774: Call to function 'GlobalAlloc' with no prototype in function HB_FUN___SETCLIPBOARDDATA
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1781: Undefined symbol 'pMem' in function HB_FUN___SETCLIPBOARDDATA
Warning W8065 source\c\function.c 1781: Call to function 'GlobalLock' with no prototype in function HB_FUN___SETCLIPBOARDDATA
Warning W8065 source\c\function.c 1783: Call to function 'GlobalUnlock' with no prototype in function HB_FUN___SETCLIPBOARDDATA
Error E2451 source\c\function.c 1784: Undefined symbol 'CF_TEXT' in function HB_FUN___SETCLIPBOARDDATA
Warning W8065 source\c\function.c 1784: Call to function 'SetClipboardData' with no prototype in function HB_FUN___SETCLIPBOARDDATA
Warning W8080 source\c\function.c 1786: 'far' is declared but never used in function HB_FUN___SETCLIPBOARDDATA
Warning W8065 source\c\function.c 1790: Call to function 'EmptyClipboard' with no prototype in function HB_FUN___EMPTYCLIPBOARD
Warning W8065 source\c\function.c 1795: Call to function 'CloseClipboard' with no prototype in function HB_FUN___CLOSECLIPBOARD
*** 31 errors in Compile ***
hbmk2[tdolphin]: Error: Ejecutando compilador C/C++. 2
bcc32.exe -c -q -CP437 -d -O2 -OS -Ov -Oc -Oi -6  -tW -tWM -w -Q -w-sig- -nlib\.hbmk\win\bcc -Ic:\si\nlen\bcc74\Include -Ic:\si\nlen\bcc74\Include\dinkumware -Ic:\si\nlen\bcc74\Include\windows\crtl -Ic:\si\nlen\bcc74\Include\windows\sdk -Ic:\si\nlen\harbour\include -Iinclude source\c\function.c


Trabajo con Harbour 3.2 y Borland 7.4


Re: Compilando tDolphin

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:42 pm
by AngelSalom
Finalmente lo compilé sin problemas con setenvh.bat