Unrecoverable error 9004: RDD invalid or failed to load
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:28 pm
I'm starting to use FW2020 with Harbour 3.0
in my tests, randomly but very often, I got this error at the very beginning of my app.
Here is the main procedure:
the error is written in hb_out.log
"Application Internal Error - C:\progs\MAGAZZIN\EXE\rcinfo32h.exe
Unrecoverable error 9004: RDD invalid or failed to load"
nor the 'trace.log' file neither the 'test.log' file are written to disk.
can somebody help?
I'm starting to use FW2020 with Harbour 3.0
in my tests, randomly but very often, I got this error at the very beginning of my app.
Here is the main procedure:
Code: Select all | Expand
static oDDESrv
function main()
local cPath, cVolume, cBrush
parameters User,Password,cGets
tracelog("entro in main")
memowrit("test.log","entro in main!")
tracelog("Main 1")
tracelog("Main 2")
tracelog("Main 3")
EXTERNAL ordkeycount
tracelog("Main 4")
EXTERNAL descend
EXTERNAL rc_barcode
tracelog("Main 5")
User := if(type("User") ="U", space(10 ), pad(User, 10 ))
PassWord := if(type("Password")="U", space(15), pad(Password,15))
private aOpen := {}
public bTrue := {||.T.}
public bFalse := {||.F.}
public oApp := CApp():New()
memowrit("test.log","App Creata!")
tracelog("App Creata!")
oApp:cTesta := "Gestione Magazzino"
oApp:cRelease := "R&C Informatica snc"
oApp:cCliente := " R&&C Informatica "
oApp:lAbiEuro := .T.
oApp:lEmail := .T.
oApp:lPdf := .T.
oApp:lFax := .T.
oApp:lExcel := .T.
oApp:nVersion := 10
oApp:cFtpUpd := "rcinfo.zip"
oApp:bAfterUpd := {|cGest,nArea,aFlds| AfterUpdate(cGest,nArea,aFlds) }
oApp:bBeforeUpd := {|| BeforeUpdate() }
oApp:bInit := {|oApp,Usr,Grp| AppInit(oApp) }
oApp:bInitGest := {|oApp| InitGest(oApp) }
oApp:bOnClose := {|| AppClose() }
oApp:nMaxFiles := 120
oApp:lAutoAnno := .T.
oApp:lConvEdit := .F.
oApp:lDataDict := .T.
oApp:lRicElenco := .T.
oApp:aMenu := {|cUsr,cGrp| MainMenu(cUsr,cGrp) }
oApp:nMaxUtenti := 20
oApp:nMaxLicenze := 12
oApp:PathNew := "$xDATI\$xGESTNEW\"
memowrit("test.log","Starting App!")
if !isNil(oDDESrv)
the error is written in hb_out.log
"Application Internal Error - C:\progs\MAGAZZIN\EXE\rcinfo32h.exe
Unrecoverable error 9004: RDD invalid or failed to load"
nor the 'trace.log' file neither the 'test.log' file are written to disk.
can somebody help?