For the most part I am running Windows 11 successfully .. no problems with FW applications be it dbf\cdx, ADO or Sql Server .. a couple of things I would like to see Microsoft fix that anoy me immensely .. is the new Right Click on a file or folder ..

You get this new "cute" set of icons at the top of your pallet that shows a trash can and allows you to "execute" a Delete .. OR .. you can go to thew bottom of the pallet and CLick on "Show More Options" and get your Tradition set of commands to execute ..

Also .. I like my open folders to be listed individually on the task bar so I can easily see what is open and simply navigate to that Folder .. in Windows 11 you do not get the option to "un-Stack" open folders .... what you see here is if you click on the Folder Icon on the task bar .. ONLY then can you see all the open flders.

I am seeing these two annoyances on the internet quite prominently "Things I hate about Windows 11"
Otherwise, you can move the ( flower ) start menu to the Left side and if you want you can get an open source Start menu replacement called Open Shell ( previously Classic Shell )

Which ( for me ) is much easier to use and to find things Traditionally like the Control Panel, Printers ... etc. small box in Windows 10 ( open settings ) on the right side of the Task Bar has been moved .. and re-imagined if you place the This PC icon on your desktop .. Right click on the This PC Icon and you click on Properties ..

and that opens you up to your Systems menu and you can navigate to just about any setting ..

I will say this .. If you do a Fresh install of Windows 11 and you don't meet the TPM and Cpu requirements there are some Reg Hacks .. the MOST annoying thing about the Setup is Microsoft FORCES you to create a Microsoft Account .. Local accounts are discouraged .. and again, there is a Hack for that.
What I did is take the least path of resistance ... I went to the W11 Microsoft Creation tool and downloaded the .ISO file .. mounted it on my Windows 10 desktop ... there is a Reg Key you have to create or download the .reg and run .. once that is accomplished, you can run the setup from the .iso and upgrade to Windows 11. ... uirements/If your machine MEETS the TPM requirement and you have a greater than 7th generation processor .. you should not have any Fresh install or upgrade problems ..
Rick Lipkin