Maybe we need a parameter for sessionstart()
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 8:11 am
Dear Antonio,
can you tell me please what SetCookie( "_HB_SESSION_", "", 0 ) exactly does?
How long exitst a session with 0 secs. For ever?
I use in mod Harbour for session following code:
It seems to me now that SetCookie( "_HB_SESSION_", cCookie ) which uses
defaults to 3600 secs.
Best regards,
can you tell me please what SetCookie( "_HB_SESSION_", "", 0 ) exactly does?
How long exitst a session with 0 secs. For ever?
I use in mod Harbour for session following code:
Code: Select all | Expand
function SessionStart() // Starts a session
Creates the .hb_sessions directory on the temp dir if not already created, creates the session hash table and saves the session id on a cookie.
local cChars := "0123456789ABCDEF"
local cUUID := ""
local cPass := ""
local cCookie := GetCookieByKey( "_HB_SESSION_" )
local hStart := { => }
local cKey, cDataDesenc, cDataEnc
local cReturned := .F.
local nHandle
if cCookie == nil
for n = 1 to 16
cUUID += SubStr( cChars, hb_Random( 1, 16 ), 1 )
cPass += SubStr( cChars, hb_Random( 1, 16 ), 1 )
if ! hb_DirExists( hb_DirTemp() + ".hb_sessions" )
hb_DirCreate( hb_DirTemp() + ".hb_sessions" )
cKey := hb_blowfishKey( cPass )
cDataDesenc = hb_Serialize( hStart )
cDataEnc = hb_blowfishEncrypt( cKey, cDataDesenc )
if ( nHandle := FCreate( hb_DirTemp() + ".hb_sessions/" + cUUID + ".ses" ) ) > 0
hb_MemoWrit( hb_DirTemp() + ".hb_sessions/" + cUUID + ".ses", cDataEnc )
FClose( nHandle )
cReturned = .F.
cCookie = cUUID + ":" + cPass
SetCookie( "_HB_SESSION_", cCookie )
cReturned = .T.
return cReturned
Code: Select all | Expand
function SetCookie( cName, cValue, nSecs, cPath, cDomain, lHttps, lOnlyHttp )
local cCookie := ''
// check parameters
hb_default( @cName, '' )
hb_default( @cValue, '' )
hb_default( @nSecs, 3600 ) // Session will expire in Seconds 60 * 60 = 3600
hb_default( @cPath, '/' )
hb_default( @cDomain , '' )
hb_default( @lHttps, .F. )
hb_default( @lOnlyHttp, .F. )
// we build the cookie
cCookie += cName + '=' + cValue + ';'
cCookie += 'expires=' + CookieExpires( nSecs ) + ';'
cCookie += 'path=' + cPath + ';'
if ! Empty( cDomain )
cCookie += 'domain=' + cDomain + ';'
// pending logical values for https y OnlyHttp
// we send the cookie
AP_HeadersOutSet( "Set-Cookie", cCookie )
return nil
Best regards,