I would simply like to have simple and not double lines, a test on the left and the date and page number/pages on the right
bSetUp := < |oRep, Brw, n |
if n == 2
oRep:bSkip := {|| (IF(!oDbf:Eof(),oDbf:Skip(),nil),;
IF(oRep:nCounter % 2 =1 , oRep:lShadow :=.f.,oRep:lShadow :=.t.))}
return nil
return 2
oBrw:Report("List", nil, nil, bSetup)
these lines give me error
source\Pcomuni.prg(349) Error E0005 Outer codeblock variable 'OREP' is out of reach
Code: Select all | Expand
oRep:oFooter := TrLine():New( {{|| "Page : "+Str(oRep:nPage,3)} }, oRep, 3 )
oRep:bSkip := {|| (IF(!oDbf:Eof(),oDbf:Skip(),nil), IF(oRep:nCounter % 2 =1 , oRep:lShadow :=.F.,oRep:lShadow :=.T.))}