BackUp [cCondition]

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Willi Quintana
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BackUp [cCondition]

Post by Willi Quintana »

Mr. Rao
Good morning, I have a database that has 60 tables and 2 of them have more than 400,000 records, when I use MariaDb BackUp, it cannot do the job, sometimes the connection is cut and other times it only loads about 100,000 records, is it possible that the BackUp has a clause (WHEN) to condition the process?, as well as:
BackUp( [source], [dest], [bProgress], [cCondition], [nRecsInBatch], [nMaxBufperSQL] )
where cCondition := "WHERE year(fecha_doc) > 2023", something like that.
Thank you for your time
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Re: BackUp [cCondition]

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

At present we did not provide backup of table with WHERE condition.
Actually, 70000 records is not a big table unless the internet connection is highly unreliable
Even if we provide WHERE clause, Restoring the table gives problems.

Let us think and come up with alternative solutions.

Meanwhile you may consider and try this method of saving full or a part of the table to DBF

Code: Select all | Expand

METHOD SaveToDBF( cSql, cDbf, lForUpdate )
or Copy table to another server

Code: Select all | Expand

METHOD CopyTableToServer( cTable, oDest )
oDest is the connection object to the backup server.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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