Compilar con MSVC y HARBOUR
Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 8:17 pm
Buenas estimados
Si aún sigues con BCC y xHarbour/Harbour
Es el momento para cambiarse a lo mejor, con MSVC y HARBOUR Realmente es mucho mas rápido
Descargar HARBOUR para MSVC recien actualizado desde ... /
Descargar Visual Studio Community desde
Con VisualStudioSetup.exe instalar Desarrollo para el escritorio con C++
Luego de instalarlo, Si lo quiere hacer portable lo puede hacer con éste Script
CreaPortableMSVC.bat (Cambiar la ruta destino y x86 por x64 a su necesidad)
Luego de crear su portable VS2022 puede desintalar Visual Studio y recupera sus 10GB que utilizó en la instalación
Para enlazar con el Editor UEstudio use éste Application
Para enlazar con Hbmk use éste Script GoHbmk.bat
El proyecto.hbp
Con MSVC pueden incluir la libreria mysqlclient.lib de FWH que es para MySql/MariaDB la cual hace que tu sistema sea 100% portable y no necesite de libmariadb.dll y libmysql.dll (Crece un poco el ejecutable)
Espero les ayude y sea la oportunidad de utilizar estas maravillosas herramientas con las cuales notaran la gran diferencia en la performance de sus sistemas
Si aún sigues con BCC y xHarbour/Harbour
Es el momento para cambiarse a lo mejor, con MSVC y HARBOUR Realmente es mucho mas rápido
Descargar HARBOUR para MSVC recien actualizado desde ... /
Descargar Visual Studio Community desde
Con VisualStudioSetup.exe instalar Desarrollo para el escritorio con C++
Luego de instalarlo, Si lo quiere hacer portable lo puede hacer con éste Script
CreaPortableMSVC.bat (Cambiar la ruta destino y x86 por x64 a su necesidad)
Code: Select all | Expand
ROBOCOPY "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\Hostx86\x86" D:\Compiler\VS2022\Bin /MIR
ROBOCOPY "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\lib\x86" D:\Compiler\VS2022\Lib *.LIB
ROBOCOPY "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\include" D:\Compiler\VS2022\Include *.h
ROBOCOPY "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x86" D:\Compiler\VS2022\Bin RC.EXE
ROBOCOPY "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x86" D:\Compiler\VS2022\Bin RCDLL.DLL
ROBOCOPY "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.22621.0\ucrt" D:\Compiler\VS2022\Include *.H
ROBOCOPY "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.22621.0\um" D:\Compiler\VS2022\Include *.H
ROBOCOPY "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.22621.0\shared" D:\Compiler\VS2022\Include *.H
ROBOCOPY "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.22621.0\ucrt\x86" D:\Compiler\VS2022\Lib *.LIB
ROBOCOPY "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.22621.0\um\x86" D:\Compiler\VS2022\Lib *.LIB
Para enlazar con el Editor UEstudio use éste Application
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# --------- Harbour y FWH configuration --------
# --- general --------------------------------------
# $P - project name
# $Pp - path to project directory
# $Pn - project name
# --- compile --------------------------------------
# $I - input full name
# $Ip - input path
# $In - input name
# $Ie - input extension
# $O - output file
# $Op - path to output file
# $On - output filename (without path)
# $Oe - output extension
# $R - release/debug setting for compiler
# --- build ----------------------------------------
# $T - target full name
# $Tp - target path
# $Tn - target name
# $O - output file
# $Op - path to output file
# $On - output filename (without path)
# $Oe - output extension
# $R - release/debug setting for linker
Target =
Working Directory =.
Command Line Arguments =
Category&02 = Harbour Options
Automatic Memvar Declaration = no|yes
Variables Are Assumed = no|yes
Generate Preprocessed Output = no|yes
Warning Level = 1|2|3|4|0
User Include Path =
User Defines =
Compiler Options =
Linker Options =
Excluded Files = Excludes
Target = Provides a space for you to specify an output file and location of the program that the linker creates.
Working Directory = Provides a space for you to specify the directory in which executing occurs. If you do not specify a directory, executing occurs in the directory where the executable is located.
Command Line Arguments = Provides a space for you to specify command-line arguments you want to pass to the program at startup.
Compiler Options = Provides a space for you to specify an additional compiler options.
User Defines = Shows the switches the tool will use to build. Use ';' as delimiter.
Linker Options = Provides a space for you to specify an additional linker options.
Excluded Files = This will exclude the file(s) included in this UE project group from the build.
User Defines = @[;|-D%s]
Automatic Memvar Declaration = no=|yes=/a
Variables Are Assumed = no=|yes=/v
Generate Preprocessed Output = no=|yes=/p
User Include Path = ^^@[;|;%s]
User Include Path&1 = ^^@[;| /i%s]
Use Multi Thread Library = no|yes
Warning Level = @/w%s
VSPATH = D:\Compiler\VS2022
HOPT = /n /gc0 /q $(Compiler Options) /i$(HPATH)\INCLUDE $(User Include Path&1) $(User Defines) $(Automatic Memvar Declaration) $(Variables Are Assumed) $(Generate Preprocessed Output) $(Warning Level)
LOPT = /nologo /subsystem:windows /force:multiple /NODEFAULTLIB:libucrt /NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrt
LIBS1 = $(FWH)\LIB\FiveH32.lib $(FWH)\LIB\FiveHC32.lib
LIBS2 = $(HPATHL)\hbrtl.lib $(HPATHL)\hbvm.lib $(HPATHL)\gtgui.lib $(HPATHL)\hblang.lib $(HPATHL)\hbmacro.lib $(HPATHL)\hbrdd.lib $(HPATHL)\rddntx.lib $(HPATHL)\rddcdx.lib $(HPATHL)\rddfpt.lib $(HPATHL)\hbsix.lib $(HPATHL)\hbcommon.lib $(HPATHL)\hbpp.lib $(HPATHL)\xhb.lib $(HPATHL)\hbzlib.lib $(HPATHL)\hbcpage.lib $(HPATHL)\hbwin.lib $(HPATHL)\hbct.lib $(HPATHL)\hbcplr.lib $(HPATHL)\hbpcre.lib $(HPATHL)\hbziparc.lib $(HPATHL)\minizip.lib $(HPATHL)\hbmzip.lib $(HPATHL)\hbtip.lib $(HPATHL)\hbzebra.lib
LIBS3 = $(VSPATHL)\user32.lib $(VSPATHL)\gdi32.lib $(VSPATHL)\winspool.lib $(VSPATHL)\comctl32.lib $(VSPATHL)\comdlg32.lib $(VSPATHL)\advapi32.lib $(VSPATHL)\shell32.lib $(VSPATHL)\ole32.lib $(VSPATHL)\oleaut32.lib $(VSPATHL)\mpr.lib $(VSPATHL)\version.lib $(VSPATHL)\msimg32.lib $(VSPATHL)\oledlg.lib $(VSPATHL)\gdiplus.lib $(VSPATHL)\winmm.lib $(VSPATHL)\ws2_32.lib $(VSPATHL)\iphlpapi.lib $(VSPATHL)\ucrt.lib
LIBS = $(LIBS1) $(LIBS2) $(LIBS3)
BuildMode = %UESMode%
TargetExt = .EXE
ReleaseOut = Release
DebugOut = Debug
UseFullPaths = 1
UseDosNames = 0
Excludes = $(Excluded Files)
GenerateEDGroup=$(External Dependencies)
.CPP = .C
run = Execute Application
makef = Show Makefile
[Execute Application]
Title = Execute $T
Cmd0 = $(Command Line Arguments)
Depends = $T
ShowWindow = 1
DisplayConsole = 0
[Show Makefile]
Title=Show makefile
Cmd0=uestudio makefile
FGO = .obj;
FGR = .res;
FGL = .lib;
FGD = .def;
FGO = %s
FGR = %s
FGL = %s
Out = $T
Depends = $FGO $FGR
DebugFlag =
ReleaseFlag =
Cmd0 = $(VSPATH)\BIN\LINK $(LOPT) /OUT:$Pp\$T $FGO $FGR $(LIBS1) $(LIBS2) $(LIBS3)
Cmd1 = $Pp\$T
Out = $In.c
DebugFlag = /b
ReleaseFlag = /l
Cmd0 = $(HPATH)\BIN\harbour $I $(HOPT) $R /o$O
IncFiles = 1
CaseSensitive = 0
IncDirs = .;$(INCLUDE);
IncKeyWords = #include;
Comments = /*.*/.//.eol.
Out = $In.obj
Cmd0 = $(VSPATH)\BIN\cl.exe $(COPT) $I
Out = $In.res
Cmd0 = $(VSPATH)\bin\rc -r -fo$O $I
IncFiles = 1
CaseSensitive = 0
IncDirs = .;$(INCLUDE);
IncKeyWords = #include;
Comments = /*.*/.//.eol.
Code: Select all | Expand
Set path=D:\Compiler\VS2022\BIN
D:\Compiler\HarbourVS\bin\hbmk2 prg\proyecto.hbp -comp=msvc -run
Code: Select all | Expand
Espero les ayude y sea la oportunidad de utilizar estas maravillosas herramientas con las cuales notaran la gran diferencia en la performance de sus sistemas