pass parameters from bat to pgm

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pass parameters from bat to pgm

Post by damianodec »

how can I to read in my .pgm a value that I have in my .bat file?

inside file mio.bat
set cValue="1"

inside file mio.pgm
instruction that read cValue of mio.bat

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Antonio Linares
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Re: pass parameters from bat to pgm

Post by Antonio Linares »

To read a value from a .bat file into a .pgm file, you'll need to use a combination of batch scripting and PostgreSQL commands. Here's a step-by-step approach:

1. First, in your .bat file (mio.bat), set the value:

set cValue=1

2. Then, you need to pass this value to your PostgreSQL script. You can do this by using environment variables. Modify your .bat file to call the .pgm file and pass the variable:

set cValue=1
psql -f mio.pgm -v cvalue=%cValue%

3. In your .pgm file (mio.pgm), you can now access this value using the `:cvalue` syntax. Here's an example of how you might use it:

-- mio.pgm
SELECT :cvalue AS imported_value;

This will create a query that selects the value passed from the .bat file.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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