save a file with this name "noname.prg"
How I can to save with a new name into a specific folder ?
I made
Code: Select all | Expand
Function Salva_File(oMemo)
local cFile := cGetFile32( , FWString("Save as"), 0, ;
hb_CurDrive() + ":\" + CurDir(), .T., .T. )
return nil
Code: Select all | Expand
Error occurred at: 11/27/24, 13:55:19
Error description: Error BASE/1066 Argument error: conditional
[ 1] = C C:\work\silvioscript\script\silvio.sls
Stack Calls
Called from: .\source\classes\scintila.prg => TSCINTILLA:SAVE( 1049 )
Called from: test.prg => SALVA_FILE( 322 )
Called from: test.prg => (b)SILVIOSCRIPT( 48 )