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Command Line Activation Of Explorer To "Mobile Device&q

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:53 am
by GWard
I create data transfer files using FWPPC and then want to transfer a folder from the Pocket PC to my clients network simply using 'Cut/Paste' or a drag.

To make it simple I want to open explorer from my application and have the required folder on the PPC already selected ready for a right click and copy.

If possible could anyone help me with the command line syntax to launch explorer to a folder on the PPC e.g.

Code: Select all | Expand

 "explorer /n, /e, /select, \Mobile Device\My Pocket PC\Program Files\My Application\<Data Folder>" 

Getting to "My Computer" and seeing the Mobile Device icon is easy but I want to avoid any possibility of missing the data folder on the PPC.