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debugger current FWH / xHarbour

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:48 pm
by don lowenstein
I have run the xHarbour debugger with recent upgrade to FWH 7.07 / xHarbour 99.71 and encounter 2 issues.

issue 1 - abend due to different circumstances in SHOWVARS method. The abend seems to happen as I repeatedly "step" with the F8 key into subordinate functions and/or back again.

Error description: Error BASE/1004 Class: 'NIL' has no exported method: CARGO
Called from (b)TDEBUGGER:SHOWVARS(2784)


Error description: Error BASE/9999 Argument error: HB_DBG_VMVARLGET
[ 1] = N -2
[ 2] = N 65535
Called from (b)TDEBUGGER:SHOWVARS(2790)


Item 2 - Sometimes the source code area goes blank in one function, then as control with F8 passes to a subordinate function, source code re-appears, then upon control to higher function source code dissappears.

This happens especially if I "step" through or "run" through a msgstop() or similar. After the msgbox is displayed, source code for that function is gone.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:27 pm
by Antonio Linares

Are you using the xHarbour console mode debugger ?

If yes, then you should report it at comp.lang.xharbour, thanks

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:11 pm
by don lowenstein
Yes I am using the console version. Do I have any other options?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:14 pm
by Maurilio Viana
I tryed for many times debug my FW program but I had no success.
I use FWH 7.01 and xHarbour comercial (march/2007).
If anybody can help me I'll be glad


Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:23 pm
by Patrick Mast
Maurilio Viana wrote:I tryed for many times debug my FW program but I had no success.
I use FWH 7.01 and xHarbour comercial (march/2007).
If anybody can help me I'll be glad


Hello Maurilio,

We are doing final tests to debug a FWH app with Visual xDebugger.
Will let you know when we have more info on this.


Patrick Mast, Inc.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:26 pm
by don lowenstein

I am able to run debugger, but sometimes I have problems.

To get it to work similar to Clipper Debugger,

compile .prg with /b switch.
Include in your .lnk script debug.lib from the xharbour lib folder

For borland linker, xHarbour v99.5, omit the -aa switch from the Ilink32 command line.

For xHarbour v99.7 with Microsoft VC6.0, include msvcrt.lib and remove msvgui.lib

Not sure about the commercial xHarbour debugger - there is another message on the board from a couple of days ago asking the same question.