When attempting to recompile my custom lib with FWH 7.12 and the provided xHarbour, I got a lot of error messages similar to the format stated above.
What's the cause and how to solve them? If it would help, here are the batch and make file that I've been using to generate the lib.
Batch file
Code: Select all | Expand
del bash.lib
del *.log
SET FWHDIR=j:\harbour\fwh
SET HDIR=j:\harbour\xhb
SET BCDIR=j:\harbour\bcc55
j:\harbour\bcc55\BIN\MAKE -f bash.mak
Make file (bash.mak)
Code: Select all | Expand
#.path.res = obj
#.path.c = c
#.path.prg = prg
.SUFFIXES: .exe .obj .c
prg1.obj \
$(HDIR)\bin\harbour.exe $< /n/w /i$(FWHDIR)\include;$(HDIR)\include /o$@ >> bash.log
$(BCDIR)\bin\bcc32.exe $(BCC_OPT) -c -v -o$@ -I$(FWHDIR)\include;$(HDIR)\include -DHARBOUR_USE_WIN_GTAPI -DHB_COMPAT_C53 $< >> bash.log
$(BCDIR)\bin\tlib.exe bash.lib /P32 + $@ >>bash.log
bash.lib : $(FiveHX_LIB_OBJS)
echo Harbour dir: $(HDIR) >> bash.log