HD-serial nr problem with TDiskInfo

HD-serial nr problem with TDiskInfo

Postby Marc Vanzegbroeck » Sat Nov 19, 2005 7:15 am


I'am using the TDiskInfo Class to check the serialnr of the HardDisk.
Up till now I did't have a problem on networks (only on Windows98 workstations together win XP). The workstation showed the number of the HD of the server.
Now I have a custom that using Windows2000 & Windows2003 server together with WindowsXP SP1 workstations.
Now he told me (I could't check it because he's living in Australia and me in Belgium :roll:) that sometimes the program gives an other Serial when lauching the program on a workstation (even on the same workstation), as a result, the programs is locked because it's a copy-protection. Did someone have the same problem with this class? Do you have a solution for this?
I'm using FW195, clipper52e & blinker 5.1

Marc Vanzegbroeck
Posts: 1159
Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2005 5:41 am
Location: Belgium

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