This is from my notes:
To turn off the scrollbars do:
// Turn off the horizontal
oLbx:oHScroll:setRange( 0, 0 )
oLbx:oHScroll:= Nil
// Turn off the vertical
oLbx:oVScroll:setRange( 0, 0 )
oLbx:oVScroll:= Nil
Setting oLbx:nStyle does not seem to have any effect.
For horizontal scrolling you will also need to freeze all the columns due to a bug. When you turn off horizontal scrolling then click on the last column it still scrolls one column to the right. Freezing all the columns fixes this.
oLbx:nFreeze:= 5 // or whatever no. of columns you have.
There something else to consider. The listbox in Workshop is NOT the same listbox we use as a browse. We use the term "listbox" as the command in our code, but the preprocessor changes it to call our TWBrowse class. Note that you can actually define a "listbox" in Workshop and it will work kind-of in your code, but it will have problems.
So the solution is that you have to add a custom control named "TWBrowse" to Workshop, then redefine that in your code instead of using the "listbox" in Workshop.