December 2008
* Fix: Class TControl Method Colors(), DrawPBack() was not geting called for GroupBoxes. Now it is ok.
* Fix: Class TFolder, lTransparent was not working if themes were used. Now it is ok.
* Fix: function SetClipboardData() was truncating the maximum length of a text to place in the clipboard. The CLASS TClipboard is properly working now for large amount of text (length > 32 Ks).
* New: Class TComboBox Method KeyDown(). An open combobox on a dialog will properly close when Escape is pressed and the dialog will not be closed.
* Enhancement: Class TDataBase no longer uses ASCan() to locate the field position. Now it works faster!
* New: Merged cells for XBrowse! Merged cells become very slow for very large browses. Recommended for arrays and smaller tables. Also change in the data in the merged columns is not handled. Please review samples\TestMerg.prg.
* New: Class TXBrowse DATA nBtnBmp to select the bitmap index from the array oCol:aBitmaps so the button image can be changed, when these edit styles are used: EDIT_LISTBOX, EDIT_BUTTON, EDIT_GET_LISTBOX and EDIT_GET_BUTTON.
* New: Class TXBrowse Method ChangeBitmap(), selects the button image using DATA nBtnBmp value.
* New: Class TXBrowse DATA lAutoAppend used when FastEdit is active and allows to automatically append a new record to the xbrowse when EOF is true. It is on by default.
* Enhancement: Class TXBrowe, the checkbox image can be centered when an array is browsed.
* Enhancement: Class TXBrowse, @ ..., ... JUSTIFY now supports left, center or right.
* New: Class TXBrowse DATA oEditFont allows to set a desired font for editing. A font object or a codeblock may be used.
* New: Class TXBrowse DATA bToolTip allows to set a tooltip to the xbrowse cells.
* Fix: Class TXBrowse applied fix commented in when return was pressed and a tree was not in use. Thanks to Mike Serra!
* Fix: Class TXBrowse, there was a problem with Method RestoreState( cState ) when columns were reordered. Now it is ok.
* New: Class TXBrowse DATA cBmpAdjBrush, adjusts the brush to the entire area of the browse. To avoid the "TILED" style, it has to be used with SetBackGround().
* New: Class TGet DATAs nClrTextDis, nClrPaneDis to allow the change of the colors of the get when it is disabled. Codeblocks are allowed too.
* Enhancement: When using ... GET ... ACTION and a right justified text, the text was not properly shown. Now it is ok!
* New: We are doing many changes and enhacements for the development of the free Visual IDE. Class TTxtEdit has been greatly enhanced. Lots of changes and new methods. Please download the Visual IDE betas. We want to thank all the FiveWin users for thier support and feedback on its development!
* Special thanks to all the programers that are helping on the Visual IDE development, especially to Daniel Garcia-Gil !!! and Carlos Sincuir !!! There is a lot of work to be done, but being free, with full source code provided, we are sure that it will improve very much in a very small time.
* New: We are working hard on a new FWPPC build that we expect to publish in January 2009. We have tried to provide it for December 2008, but we could not finished it in time.