New FTDN January/Enero 2011 (FWH 11.01)

New FTDN January/Enero 2011 (FWH 11.01)

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:19 pm

January 2011

* Fix: msgbar.prg: Bitmap resource used for painting msgbar was not released. Now fixed.

* Fix: Tabs.prg: Font resources ::oFont and ::oBold and in some cases bitmap resources were not released. Now fixed. Thanks Mr.Fgondi

* Fix: TOutlook2003 class: oHeader was not destroyed. Now fixed. Again thanks Mr.Fgondi

* Fix: RPreview.Prg: Fixed some problems with saving in older versions of Word

* Fix: ValBlank.Prg: Function cValToStr() now handles empty dates properly where format is in the style of 'dd mm yyy'

* Fix: MENU ... 2007 was leaving an unreleased bitmap. Now it is ok.

(a) Incremental Seek with RDD: Till now the seek expression entered is converted to upper case while seeking only if the index is created with Upper() function. Now, in other cases, if the seek fails the expression is converted to uppercase and tried again.
(b) Simplification of commands in @ r,c, xbrowse command now accepts reource id also. When ID is specified, row, col and size parameters are ignored.
(c) ArrTranspose() function enhanced.
(d) Now SeekOnArray() works on cSortOrder column if it is different from the nArraycol. This is the expected behavior.
(e) COLUMNS clause in XBROWSE command now accepts multi-dimentional array with column specifications. Each row should contain specification for each column in the following format.
Col 1: Column name or Expression or CodeBlock
Col 2: Header
Col 3: Picture ( specify array of bitmaps for SetCheck())
Col 4: Column width in pixels
Col 5: Alignment
col 6: Sort Order

aCols := { ;
{ "First", "FirstName", "@!", 100, AL_CENTER, "TAG1" }, ;
{ "Salary", nil, "999,999.99" } }

@ <r>,<c> XBROWSE oBrw OF oWnd COLUMNS aCols ALIAS <calias>
Where the specification is "nil", XBrowse uses its defaults.
It is not necessary that each row should contain all 6 specifications.
In addition, clauses like HEADERS, PICTURES also can be used, which override the specifications in the array of column-specs.

(a) Bug fix in Method nWidthChr
(b) While incremental seek on transparent browse (with background, win7style, mergerows,etc) in some cases, both the old and new rows are painted with highlight. Fixed now.


a) In some cases modal preview window is not closed when the main application window is closed and also the preview window can not be closed. This is fixed now.
With this fix:
When the application has a main window (MDI or SDI), when the main window is closed, all open Preview windows are closed.
When the application does not have a main window (application starting with a dialog), when the dialog is closed, the Preview stays open and can be fully operated and closed individually.
b) When user buttons are defined, combobox and other controls were not positioned properly. Now fixed.

a) RPreview was using 2007 style for buttonbar if a mainwindow is defined with a buttonbar having 2007 style only. If the application was themed and not using 2007 style, TRebar was used for the buttonbar, which did not allow extention of buttons by the users.
Now, when user buttons codeblock is set with RPrevUserBtns( bUserBtns ) function, Rebar is not used irrespective of 2007 style allowing extension of userbuttons.

b) RPrevUserBtns( bUserBtns, l2007 ) now accepts a second parameter l2007 to force using or not using 2007 style.


* Fix: using method Settext() of tbuttonbmp losted skin, now is ok
* Fix: the buttons no execute action from external aplications, now is ok

* Enhancement:
(a) available aligment Horizontal - Vertical
(b) Class TSkinButton, easy way to custom skin, check samples testsk1

* Fix: missing comma in xcommand
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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