May 2007 build
* Fix: Class TXBrowse METHOD GoRight()
* Enhancement: Improved CLASS TXBrwColumn Method PaintData(): It does not overwrite the vertical scrollbar.
* Fix: REDEFINE MENUITEM ... ACCELERATOR ... is properly setting and using the specified accelerators.
* New: FWPPC, samples\TestFldW.prg shows how to use a browse on a folder, loaded from resources.
* Enhancement: Class TFolder support for multilines tabs if TCS_MULTILINE style is used at the resources.
* Enhancement: Added DEFAULT oWnd := GetWndDefault() in Method Redefine of these classes: TActiveX, TBitmap, TBtnBmp, TComboBox, TFGet, TFolder, TGroup, TIcon, TIGroup, TListBox, TMeter, TRadio, TScrollBar, TSelector, TSlider, TSplitter, TRichEdit, TTabControl,
TVbxControl, TVideo, TTabs, TAnimate, THeader, TListView, TPages, TProgress.
* Fix: Class TComboBox incremental search does not change the type of the related variable.
* Fix: Class TXBrowse Method KeyDown() was evaluating bKeyDown twice. Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: function SetDatePick() accepts a fifth parameter to allow
empty dates when using Class TDtPicker objects. Class TDTPicker Method SetDate( dDate, lEmpty ) accepts a second logical parameter to specify an empty date
* Fix: Class TFolder Method LoadPages() is properly setting the width and height of the loaded pages, and the pages brush.
* Enhancement: FWH, FWPPC, function lIsDir() source code has been changed to make it FWPPC compatible. There should be no differences in FWH lIsDir() behavior.
* Enhancement: FWH rasapi.c was not properly compiling in 32 bits. Now it is ok.
* Fix: FiveMac, samples\osxpro.prg was using a wrong path for PNG files. Now it is ok.
* Fix: Class TWBrowse Method KeyChar has been removed as it is no longer needed. Minor fix on Method pageUp(). Thanks to Enrico!
* Enhancements: Class TXBrowse improved Methods IsDisplayPosVisible(), GoRight() and GoUp(). Thanks to Rossine!
* New: FWH, xHarbour Class TOleAuto has been ported to Harbour, so from now on you can also use it from Harbour too. FiveTech Harbour build already includes it. You have to link HBOleAut.lib
* New: FWH, UEStudio setup file to build FWH projects. Please copy
FWPPC\UEStudio\Application to C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UEStudio '06\configs\Harbour\ from FWH\UEStudio folder. You may review this video to learn how to use it:
* New: FWPPC, UEStudio setup file to build FWPPC projects. Please copy
FWPPC\UEStudio\Application to C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UEStudio '06\configs\FWPPC\ from FWPPC\UEStudio folder. You may review this video to learn how to use it:
* Fix: Class TGet Method KeyChar() minor fix.
* New: FWH sample BtnTrans.prg: Testing a transparent TBtnBmp on a transparent DialogBox
* New: New sample managing the Excel ActiveX. Please review samples\excel2.prg
* New: FWPPC, ActiveX support! Please review samples\media.prg
* Enhancement: FWH is fully compatible with the most recent Harbour and xHarbour builds, including xHB
* New: FWPPC, Harbour for Pocket PC build with enhanced support for