New FTDN June/Junio 2011 (FWH 11.06)

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Antonio Linares
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New FTDN June/Junio 2011 (FWH 11.06)

Post by Antonio Linares »

June 2011

* Enhancement: samples\RbDesign.prg the RibbonBar designer gets more and more complete! :-)

* New: Class TTVItem (TreeView Item) Method End(), Method GetText()

* New: TREEVIEW command support for ON CHANGE clause

* New: Class TTreeView Method GenMenu(): creates a popup menu from the TreeView items

* New: ACTIVATE POPUP ... SAVE command to avoid destroying the popup menu so it can be reused.

* New: Class TTreeView Method LoadFromMenu( oMenu ), loads the items of the menu into the TreeView,
supporting nested submenus.

* Fix: Minor change in Class TMsgBar Method Default() regarding the default font size.

* New: Class TMenu Mehod cGenPrg(), used from the RibbonBar designer (samples\rbdesign.prg)

* Enhancement: The RibbonBar designer already saves and restore menus. samples\rbdesign.prg

* Enhancement: The RibbonBar designer already saves and restore groups colors. samples\rbdesign.prg

(a) DATA nRecSelWidth: Record selector width can be changed by assigning any value or 25 or more pixels.
(a) XBROWSE COLUMNS can now have codeblocks or expressions intermixed with column numbers for Arrays also.
(b) If a numeric value overflows the picture clause, the number is shown in scientific notation to fit the width.
(c) Modified to use new brushes, reducing the code size by more than 3KB.

* New: samples\Designer.prg follows the style of samples\rbdesign.prg (RibbonBar designer) but
this time for the main window. A very interesting example to review! :-)

* Enhancement: FWH\UEStudio config files have been updated for Microsoft msvc 2010 support and
also enhanced the dialog template.

* Fix: Class TDialog, non modal dialog boxes used from folders and rebars (samples\rebars.prg reported bug).

* Enahancement: MESSAGE clause of controls can now have codeblocks also instead of text.

* Enhancement: function MsgGet() now admits an extra parameter to use PASSWORD mode in the GET.
Please review samples\testmsg.prg example.

* New: Function SetPostErrorAction( bUserAction ) -> bPreviousAction.
If specified, when an error occurs, the user provided codeblock is executed after exit of the Error Dialog, with
error.log file path and error object as parameters.

* New: RPreview.Prg:
New class data bPrint, bExportToWord, bSaveAsWord, bSaveAsPDF
If assigned, these codeblocks are evaluated with preview object as parameter, instead of executing builtin methods.
The programmers can implement their custom functions without modifying the rpreview.prg.

* New: Function FWSavePreviewToPDF( oPreview [, cPDFName ] ) --> SavedPDFname
Optionally this function can be used to save Preview to a PDF file, without using any 3rd party libraries or MS Office.
First set
RPreview():bSaveAsPDF := { |oPreview| FWSavePreviewToPDF( oPreview, cDestPDF ) }
Next Preview choice to save as PDF will use this function to save the Preview to the PDF.
If file name is nil, the function prompts the user to select file name to save.

* New: samples\cpp.prg Using a C++ Class and object from a Harbour Class and object
Build it using samples\buildhm.bat or samples\build64.bat

* New: samples\classc.prg shows how to create a Harbour Class entirely from language C. This opens a lot of
amazing possibilities! :-)

* New: New report designer and engine MyRpt is available from samples\myrpt folder. Still a work
in development but already offers a great functionality!
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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