TOutlook bug/ TGet bChange bug / Suggestions to .ch files

TOutlook bug/ TGet bChange bug / Suggestions to .ch files

Postby Maurilio Viana » Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:16 pm

I upgrade to FWH 2.7 to use with xHB comercial due to the _hbstack bug and
I found any fixed bugs from 2.6 that came back.
I'll be glad if you can review this issues:

AnsiUpper() function:
In any cases AnsiUpper generate a GPF (I tested under XP) and our app
crash (but in any way stay running because the exe can't be erased), we
must restart computer...
The first time we click in button your action isn't fired. We must
click button a second time.

Possible solution:
In method ADDITEM comment the lines:
oBmp:bMMoved := ...
oBmp:blButtonUp := ...
On change (TGET class) bug:

bChange don't consider last character typed in oGet object. In other words
the buffer is updated with one character of "delay"
Working sample:

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""
function Main()
   local oDlg
   local cVar := space(40)
   local oGet

   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Just a get"

   @ 2,  2 SAY "Text:" OF oDlg
   @ 2,  6 GET oGet VAR cVar OF oDlg

   oGet[2]:bChange := {|| oGet:Assign(), oDlg:SetText(oGet:cText) }

   @ 3,  7 BUTTON "&Ok" OF oDlg SIZE 30, 12 ACTION oDlg:End()
   @ 3, 16 BUTTON "&Cancel" SIZE 30, 12 OF oDlg ACTION oDlg:End() CANCEL


return nil

Possible solution (thanks to Rossine):

Code: Select all  Expand view
METHOD KeyChar( nKey, nFlags ) CLASS TGet
This code is placed on wrong place:

if ::bChange != nil
    lAccept = Eval( ::bChange, nKey, nFlags, Self )
    if ValType( lAccept ) == "L" .and. ! lAccept
       return 0

The correct place if before otherwise clause at end of method

METHOD KeyChar( nKey, nFlags ) CLASS TGet
           if ::oGet:TypeOut
              if ! Set( _SET_CONFIRM )
                 ::oWnd:nLastKey = VK_RETURN
                 ::oWnd:GoNextCtrl( ::hWnd )
                 if Set( _SET_BELL )
           // Rossine
           if ::bChange != nil
              lAccept = Eval( ::bChange, nKey, nFlags, Self )
              if ValType( lAccept ) == "L" .and. ! lAccept
                 return 0
           // Rossine
           Eval( ::bPostKey, Self, ::oGet:Buffer )
           return Super:KeyChar( nKey, nFlags )

return 0


We have any problems to create/activate dialogs with valid/init into classes
because in .ch files the name Self is used. See this sample


define dialog ::oDlg ...

activate dialog ::oDlg nomodal valid ::MyValid()

The activate code will conflict with Self name, see the PPO:
::oDlg:Activate(::oDlg:bLClicked,::oDlg:bMoved,::oDlg:bPainted,.T.,,! .T. ,{|Self|::MyValid()},::oDlg:bRClicked,,)

"valid ::MyValid()" turn into "{|Self|::MyValid()}"

We suggest change Self to This into .ch files
A little suggestion to .ch too: Include clause PICT like Clipper:

[ <pict:PICT,PICTURE> <cPicture> ]

Another suggest to .ch: DEFAULT command:

#xcommand DEFAULT <uVar1> := <uVal1> ;
[, <uVarN> := <uValN> ] => ;
if( <uVar1> == nil, <uVar1> := <uVal1>, ) ;;
[ if( <uVarN> == nil, <uVarN> := <uValN>, ); ]

This translated declararion:
DEFAULT x := 1

if(x == nil, x == 1, )

Appears to be more efficient that:

x := if(x == nil, x == 1, x)

Because assign a value to variable only when value is nil
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Maurilio Viana
Posts: 252
Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 2:48 pm
Location: Garça/Garza/Heron City - Brazil

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