uso di zip-unzip

Moderator: Enrico Maria Giordano

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uso di zip-unzip

Post by Maverich »

avete a portata di mano un esempietto di compattazione-scompattazione zip? qual'è la lib giusta da usare?
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Enrico Maria Giordano
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Re: uso di zip-unzip

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

* $DOC$
* Zip Functions
* Create a zip file
* HB_ZIPFILE( <cFile>, <cFileToCompress> | <aFiles>, <nLevel>,
* <bBlock>, <lOverWrite>, <cPassword>, <lWithPath>, <lWithDrive>,
* <pFileProgress> ) ---> lCompress
* <cFile> Name of the zip file to create
* <cFileToCompress> Name of a file to Compress, Drive and/or path
* can be used
* _or_
* <aFiles> An array containing files to compress, Drive and/or path
* can be used
* <nLevel> Compression level ranging from 0 to 9
* <bBlock> Code block to execute while compressing
* <lOverWrite> Toggle to overwrite the file if exists
* <cPassword> Password to encrypt the files
* <lWithPath> Toggle to store the path or not
* <lWithDrive> Toggle to store the Drive letter and path or not
* <pFileProgress> Code block for File Progress
* <lCompress> .t. if file was create, otherwise .f.
* This function creates a zip file named <cFile>. If the extension
* is omitted, .ZIP will be assumed. If the second parameter is a
* character string, this file will be added to the zip file. If the
* second parameter is an array, all file names contained in <aFiles>
* will be compressed.
* If <nLevel> is used, it determines the compression type where 0 means
* no compression and 9 means best compression.
* If <bBlock> is used, every time the file is opened to compress it
* will evaluate bBlock. Parameters of bBlock are cFile and nPos.
* If <lOverWrite> is used, it toggles to overwrite or not the existing
* file. Default is to overwrite the file,otherwise if <lOverWrite> is false
* the new files are added to the <cFile>.
* If <cPassword> is used, all files that are added to the archive are encrypted
* with the password.
* If <lWithPath> is used, it tells the path should also be stored with
* the file name. Default is false.
* If <lWithDrive> is used, it tells thats the Drive and path should also be stored
* with the file name. Default is false.
* If <pFileProgress> is used, an Code block is evaluated, showing the total
* of that file has being processed.
* The codeblock must be defined as follow {|nPos,nTotal| GaugeUpdate(aGauge1,(nPos/nTotal))}
* qout( "File was successfully created" )
* IF HB_ZIPFILE( "TEST1.ZIP", { "TEST.PRG", "c:\windows\win.ini" } )
* qout( "File was successfully created" )
* IF HB_ZIPFILE( "TEST2.ZIP", { "TEST.PRG", "c:\windows\win.ini" }, 9, {|cFile,nPos,| qout(cFile) } )
* qout( "File was successfully created" )
* aFiles := { "TEST.PRG", "c:\windows\win.ini" }
* nLen := Len( aFiles )
* aGauge := GaugeNew( 5, 5, 7, 40, "W/B", "W+/B" , "²" )
* GaugeDisplay( aGauge )
* HB_ZIPFILE( "", aFiles, 9, {|cFile,nPos| GaugeUpdate( aGauge, nPos/nLen ) },, "hello" )
* Return Nil
* R
* This function is a Harbour extension
* All
* Library is hbzip.lib
* $END$

* $DOC$
* Zip Functions
* Unzip a compressed file
* HB_UNZIPFILE( <cFile>, <bBlock>, <lWithPath>, <cPassWord>, <cPath>,
* <cFile> | <aFile>, <pFileProgress> ) ---> lCompress
* <cFile> Name of the zip file to extract
* <bBlock> Code block to execute while extracting
* <lWithPath> Toggle to create directory if needed
* <cPassWord> Password to use to extract files
* <cPath> Path to extract the files to - mandatory
* <cFile> | <aFiles> A File or Array of files to extract - mandatory
* <pFileProgress> Code block for File Progress
* <lCompress> .t. if all file was successfully restored, otherwise .f.
* This function restores all files contained inside the <cFile>.
* If the extension is omitted, .ZIP will be assumed. If a file already
* exists, it will be overwritten.
* If <bBlock> is used, every time the file is opened to compress it
* will evaluate bBlock. Parameters of bBlock are cFile and nPos.
* The <cPath> is a mandatory parameter. Set to ".\" to extract to the
* current directory
* If <cFile> or <aFiles> are not provided, no files will be extracted!
* Make sure you provide the file or files you want extracted
* If <pFileProgress> is used, an Code block is evaluated, showing the total
* of that file has being processed.
* The codeblock must be defined as follow {|nPos,nTotal| GaugeUpdate(aGauge1,(nPos/nTotal))}
* aExtract := hb_GetFilesInZip( "TEST.ZIP" ) // extract all files in zip
* IF HB_UNZIPFILE( "TEST.ZIP",,,, ".\", aExtract )
* qout("File was successfully extracted")
* aExtract := hb_GetFilesInZip( "TEST2.ZIP" ) // extract all files in zip
* IF HB_UNZIPFILE( "TEST2.ZIP", {|cFile| qout( cFile ) },,, ".\", aExtract )
* qout("File was successfully extracted")
* Return Nil
* R
* This function is a Harbour extension
* All
* Library is hbzip.lib
* $END$

* $DOC$
* Zip Functions
* Gets the number of files that are in the zipfile
* HB_GETUNZIPFILE( <cFile> ) ---> nNumber
* <cFile> Name of the zip file
* <nNumber> The number of files contained inside the zipfile
* This function returns the number of files that is stored in the zipfile.
* The purpose for this function is to use in conjunction with the
* HB_UNZIPFILE() function, so you can use returned result in the code
* block. See example below.
* Local nFiles := HB_GETUNZIPFILE( "" )
* if nFiles > 0
* ? "This files Contains ", nfiles
* endif
* Return Nil
* Here is an example of How to use HB_GETUNZIPFILE() in conjunction
* Function Main()
* Local aGauge, nLen
* aGauge := GaugeNew( 5, 5, 7, 40, "W/B", "W+/B" ,"²" )
* GaugeDisplay( aGauge )
* nLen := HB_GETUNZIPFILE( "test22" )
* HB_UNZIPFILE( "test22", {|cFile,nPos| GaugeUpdate( aGauge, nPos/nLen ), qout(cFile) }, .t. )
* Return Nil
* R
* This function is a Harbour extension
* All
* Library is hbzip.lib
* $END$

* $DOC$
* Zip Functions
* Create a zip file
* HB_ZIPFILEBYTDSPAN( <cFile> ,<cFileToCompress> | <aFiles>, <nLevel>,
* <bBlock>, <lOverWrite>, <cPassword>, <iSize>, <lWithPath>, <lWithDrive>,
* <pFileProgress>) ---> lCompress
* <cFile> Name of the zip file
* <cFileToCompress> Name of a file to Compress, Drive and/or path
* can be used
* _or_
* <aFiles> An array containing files to compress, Drive and/or path
* can be used
* <nLevel> Compression level ranging from 0 to 9
* <bBlock> Code block to execute while compressing
* <lOverWrite> Toggle to overwrite the file if exists
* <cPassword> Password to encrypt the files
* <iSize> Size of the archive, in bytes. Default is 1457664 bytes
* <lWithPath> Toggle to store the path or not
* <lWithDrive> Toggle to store the Drive letter and path or not
* <pFileProgress> Code block for File Progress
* <lCompress> .t. if file was create, otherwise .f.
* This function creates a zip file named <cFile>. If the extension
* is omitted, .ZIP will be assumed. If the second parameter is a
* character string, this file will be added to the zip file. If the
* second parameter is an array, all file names contained in <aFiles>
* will be compressed.
* If <nLevel> is used, it determines the compression type where 0 means
* no compression and 9 means best compression.
* If <bBlock> is used, every time the file is opened to compress it
* will evaluate bBlock. Parameters of bBlock are cFile and nPos.
* If <lOverWrite> is used, it toggles to overwrite or not the existing
* file. Default is to overwrite the file, otherwise if <lOverWrite> is
* false the new files are added to the <cFile>.
* If <lWithPath> is used, it tells thats the path should also be stored '
* with the file name. Default is false.
* If <lWithDrive> is used, it tells thats the Drive and path should also
* be stored with the file name. Default is false.
* If <pFileProgress> is used, an Code block is evaluated, showing the total
* of that file has being processed.
* The codeblock must be defined as follow {|nPos,nTotal| GaugeUpdate(aGauge1,(nPos/nTotal))}
* qout( "File was successfully created" )
* IF HB_ZIPFILEBYTDSPAN( "TEST1.ZIP", { "TEST.PRG", "c:\windows\win.ini" } )
* qout( "File was successfully created" )
* IF HB_ZIPFILEBYTDSPAN( "TEST2.ZIP", { "TEST.PRG", "c:\windows\win.ini" }, 9, {|nPos,cFile| qout(cFile) }, "hello",, 521421 )
* qout("File was successfully created" )
* aFiles := { "TEST.PRG", "c:\windows\win.ini" }
* nLen := Len( aFiles )
* aGauge := GaugeNew( 5, 5, 7, 40, "W/B", "W+/B", "²" )
* GaugeDisplay( aGauge )
* HB_ZIPFILEBYTDSPAN( "", aFiles, 9, {|cFile,nPos| GaugeUpdate( aGauge, nPos/nLen) },, "hello",, 6585452 )
* Return Nil
* R
* This function is a Harbour extension
* All
* Library is hbzip.lib
* $END$

* $DOC$
* Zip Functions
* Create a zip file on removable media
* HB_ZIPFILEBYPKSPAN( <cFile>, <cFileToCompress> | <aFiles>, <nLevel>,
* <bBlock>, <lOverWrite>, <cPassword>, <lWithPath>, <lWithDrive>,
* <pFileProgress>) ---> lCompress
* <cFile> Name of the zip file
* <cFileToCompress> Name of a file to Compress, Drive and/or path
* can be used
* _or_
* <aFiles> An array containing files to compress, Drive and/or path
* can be used
* <nLevel> Compression level ranging from 0 to 9
* <bBlock> Code block to execute while compressing
* <lOverWrite> Toggle to overwrite the file if exists
* <cPassword> Password to encrypt the files
* <lWithPath> Toggle to store the path or not
* <lWithDrive> Toggle to store the Drive letter and path or not
* <pFileProgress> Code block for File Progress
* <lCompress> .t. if file was create, otherwise .f.
* This function creates a zip file named <cFile>. If the extension
* is omitted, .ZIP will be assumed. If the second parameter is a
* character string, this file will be added to the zip file. If the
* second parameter is an array, all file names contained in <aFiles>
* will be compressed. Also, the use of this function is for creating
* backup in removable media like an floppy drive/zip drive.
* If <nLevel> is used, it determines the compression type where 0 means
* no compression and 9 means best compression.
* If <bBlock> is used, every time the file is opened to compress it
* will evaluate bBlock. Parameters of bBlock are cFile and nPos.
* If <lOverWrite> is used , it toggles to overwrite or not the existing
* file. Default is to overwrite the file, otherwise if <lOverWrite> is false
* the new files are added to the <cFile>.
* If <cPassword> is used, all files that are added to the archive are encrypted
* with the password.
* If <lWithPath> is used, it tells thats the path should also be stored with
* the file name. Default is false.
* If <lWithDrive> is used, it tells thats the Drive and path should also be stored
* with the file name. Default is false.
* If <pFileProgress> is used, an Code block is evaluated, showing the total
* of that file has being processed.
* The codeblock must be defined as follow {|nPos,nTotal| GaugeUpdate(aGauge1,(nPos/nTotal))}
* Before calling this function, Set an Changedisk codeblock by calling
* hb_setdiskzip( {|nDisk| Alert( "Please insert disk no " + Str( nDisk, 3 ) ) } )
* qout( "File was successfully created" )
* IF HB_ZIPFILEBYPKSPAN( "a:\TEST1.ZIP", { "TEST.PRG", "c:\windows\win.ini" } )
* qout( "File was successfully created" )
* IF HB_ZIPFILEBYPKSPAN( "TEST2.ZIP", { "TEST.PRG", "c:\windows\win.ini"}, 9, {|nPos,cFile| qout(cFile) } )
* qout( "File was successfully created" )
* aFiles := { "TEST.PRG", "c:\windows\win.ini" }
* nLen := Len( aFiles )
* aGauge := GaugeNew( 5, 5, 7, 40, "W/B", "W+/B", "²" )
* GaugeDisplay( aGauge )
* HB_ZIPFILEBYPKSPAN( "f:\", aFiles, 9, {|cFile,nPos| GaugeUpdate( aGauge, nPos/nLen ) },, "hello" )
* // assuming f:\ is a Zip Drive
* Return Nil
* R
* This function is a Harbour extension
* All
* Library is hbzip.lib
* $END$

/* $DOC$
* Zip Functions
* Set an codeblock for disk changes
* HB_SETDISKZIP( <bBlock> ) ---> TRUE
* <bBlock> an Code block that contains an function that will be performed
* when the need of changing disk are need.
* It always returns True
* This function will set an codeblock that will be evaluated every time
* that an changedisk event is necessary. <bBlock> receives nDisk as a
* code block param that corresponds to the diskette number to be processed.
* Set this function before opening archives that are in removable media.
* This block will be released, when the caller finish it job.
* HB_SETDISKZIP( {|nDisk| Alert( "Please insert disk no " + Str( nDisk, 3 ) ) } )
* This function is a Harbour extension
* All
* Library is hbzip.lib
* $END$

/* $DOC$
* Zip Functions
* Delete files from an zip archive
* HB_ZIPDELETEFILES( <cFile>, <cFiletoDelete> | <aFiles> | <nFilePos> ) --> <lDeleted>
* <cFile> The name of the zip files from where the files will be deleted
* <cFiletoDelete> An File to be removed
* _or_
* <aFiles> An Array of Files to be removed
* _or_
* <nFilePos> The Position of the file to be removed
* <lDeleted> If the files are deleted, it will return .T.; otherwise
* it will return .f. in the following cases: Spanned Archives; the file(s)
* could not be found in the zip file.
* This function removes files from an Zip archive.
* ? "has the file zipnew.i been deleted ", if( HB_ZIPDELETEFILES( "\", "zipnew.i" ), "Yes", "No" )
* R
* This function is a Harbour extension
* All
* Library is hbzip.lib
* $END$

/* $DOC$
* Zip Functions
* Test pkSpanned zip files
* HB_ZIPTESTPK( <cFile> ) --> <nReturnCode>
* <cFile> File to be tested.
* <nReturn> A code that tells if the current disk is the last of a
* pkSpanned disk set.
* This function tests if the disk inserted is the last disk of an backup
* set or not.
* It will return the follow return code when an error is found
* <table>
* Error code Meaning
* 114 Incorrect Disk
* 103 No Call back was set with HB_SETDISKZIP()
* </table>
* Call this function to determine if the disk inserted is the correct
* one before any other function.
* if HB_ZIPTESTPK( "a:\" ) == 114
* ? "Invalid Diskette"
* endif
* R
* This function is a Harbour extension
* All
* Library is hbzip.lib
* $END$

/* $DOC$
* Zip Functions
* Return the comment of an zip file
* HB_GETZIPCOMMENT( <szFile> ) --> <szComment>
* <szFile> File to get the comment from
* <szComment> The comment that was stored in <szFile>
* This function receives a valid zip file name as parameter,
* and returns the global comment stored within.
* ? "The comment in is ", HB_GETZIPCOMMENT( "" )
* R
* This function is a Harbour extension
* All
* Library is hbzip.lib
* $END$

/* $DOC$
* Zip Functions
* Set an Zip archive Comment
* HB_SETZIPCOMMENT( <cComment> ) --> Nil
* <cComment> Comment to add to the zip archive
* <NIL> this function always return NIL
* This function stored an global comment to an zip archive.
* It should be called before any of the compression functions.
* HB_SETZIPCOMMENT( "This is an Test" )
* hb_zipfile( "", { "\windows\ios.ini", "\windows\win.ini" } )
* R
* This function is a Harbour extension
* All
* Library is hbzip.lib
* $END$

/* $DOC$
* Zip Functions
* HB_SETBUFFER( [<nWriteBuffer>], [<nExtractBuffer>], [<nReadBuffer>] ) --> Nil
* <nWriteBuffer> The size of the write buffer.
* <nExtractBuffer> The size of the extract buffer.
* <nReadBuffer> The size of the read buffer.
* <NIL> This function always returns NIL.
* This function set the size of the internal buffers for write/extract/read
* operation
* If the size of the buffer is smaller then the default, the function
* will automatically use the default values, which are 65535/16384/32768
* respectively.
* This function be called before any of the compression/decompression
* functions.
* HB_SETBUFFER( 100000, 115214, 65242 )
* R
* This function is a Harbour extension
* All
* Library is hbzip.lib
* $END$

* $DOC$
* Zip Functions
* Gets the number of files that are in the RAR file
* HB_GETUNRARFILE( <cFile> ) ---> nNumber
* <cFile> Name of the rar file
* <nNumber> The number of files contained inside the RAR file
* This function returns the number of files that is stored in the RAR file.
* Local nFiles := HB_GETUNRARFILE( "test.rar" )
* if nFiles > 0
* ? "This files contains ", nFiles
* endif
* Return Nil
* R
* This function is a Harbour extension
* All
* Library is hbzip.lib
* $END$
* $DOC$
* Zip Functions
* Unzip a compressed file referenced by it number in the zipfile
* HB_UNZIPFILE( <cFile>, <bBlock>, <lWithPath>, <cPassWord>, <cPath>,
* <nFile> | <anFiles>, <pFileProgress> ) ---> lCompress
* <cFile> Name of the zip file
* <bBlock> Code block to execute while compressing
* <lWithPath> Toggle to create directory if needed
* <cPassWord> Password to use to extract files
* <cPath> Path to extract the files to - mandatory.
* <cFile> | <anFiles> A File or Array of files position to extract - mandatory
* <pFileProgress> Code block for File Progress
* <lCompress> .t. if all file was successfully restored, otherwise .f.
* This function restores all files contained inside the <cFile>.
* If the extension is omitted, .ZIP will be assumed. If a file already
* exists, it will be overwritten.
* If <bBlock> is used, every time the file is opened to compress it
* will evaluate bBlock. Parameters of bBlock are cFile and nPos.
* The <cPath> is a mandatory parameter. Set to ".\" to extract to the
* current dir
* If <cFile> or <anFiles> are not provided, no files will be extracted!
* Make sure you provide the file or files you want extracted
* If <pFileProgress> is used, an Code block is evaluated, showing the total
* of that file has being processed.
* The codeblock must be defined as follow {|nPos,nTotal| GaugeUpdate(aGauge1,(nPos/nTotal))}
* qout( "File was successfully created" )
* IF HB_UNZIPFILEINDEX( "TEST2.ZIP", {|cFile|, qout(cFile) },,, ".\", { 1, 2 } )
* qout( "File was successfully created" )
* Return Nil
* R
* This function is a Harbour extension
* All
* Library is hbzip.lib
* $END$

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