Group Layout View

Group Layout View

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Thu Jan 04, 2018 5:39 pm

When a class as this ?


Antonio sad me this : ( but I not Know How make this)

When the group is closed, its controls are hidden ( oControl:Hide() ) and all the controls
below the group, are moved upwards ( oControl:SetPos( nTop, nLeft ) ).

When it gets opened, all the controls below the group are moved again downwards
( oControl:SetPos( nTop, nLeft ) ) and its controls are shown ( oControl:Show() ).

The group itself does not contain any control. When I say its controls, I mean the
controls whose coordinates are inside the group coordinates.

I made a prototype but I need help

Code: Select all  Expand view
#xcommand @ <nTop>, <nLeft> GROUPEX [ <oGroup> ] ;
             [ TO <nBottom>, <nRight> ] ;
             [ <label:LABEL,PROMPT> <cLabel> ] ;
             [ OF <oWnd> ] ;
             [ COLOR <nClrFore> [,<nClrBack>] ] ;
             [ <lPixel: PIXEL> ] ;
             [ <lDesign: DESIGN> ] ;
             [ FONT <oFont> ] ;
             [ <lTransparent: TRANSPARENT> ] ;
             [ SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight> ] ;
             [ IMAGE <cImage> ] ;
             [ POSITION <nImgAlign> ] ;
             [ MARGIN <nMargin> ] ;
             [ COLORHEADER <nClrfrom> ,<nClrto> ] ;
             [ <lGradient: GRADIENT> ] ;
             [ TEXTALIGN <nTextAlign> ] ;
             [ COLORTEXT <nColorText> ] ;
             [ <lshadow: SHADOW> ] ;
       => ;
          [ <oGroup> := ] TGroupEx():New( <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom>, <nRight>,;
             <cLabel>, <oWnd>, <nClrFore>, <nClrBack>, <.lPixel.>,;
             [<.lDesign.>], [<oFont>], [<.lTransparent.>], <nWidth>, <nHeight>,;
             <cImage>,<nImgAlign>,<nMargin>,<nClrfrom>,<nClrto>,<.lGradient.>, <nTextAlign>,<nColorText>,<.lshadow.> )

TgroupEx class

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""
#include ""

#define WM_NCHITTEST     132  // 0x84

#define WM_UPDATEUISTATE 296  // 0x0128

#define DT_TOP         0
#define DT_LEFT        0
#define DT_CENTER      1
#define DT_RIGHT       2
#define DT_VCENTER     4
#define DT_BOTTOM      8
#define DT_WORDBREAK   16
#define DT_SINGLELINE  32
#define DT_EXPANDTABS  64
#define DT_TABSTOP     128
#define DT_NOCLIP      256
#define DT_CALCRECT         1024
#define DT_NOPREFIX         2048
#define DT_INTERNAL         4096

CLASS TGroupEx FROM TControl

  DATA lTransparent INIT .f.
  DATA lRound
  DATA lBorder
  DATA nBorderColor
  DATA nMargin   INIT  2
  DATA nClrfrom
  DATA nClrTo
  DATA lGradient
  DATA lVertical
  DATA cImage
  DATA nTextAlign INIT 0
  DATA nImgAlign INIT 0
  DATA nColorText
  DATA lShadow

   METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, cLabel, oWnd, nClrText,;
               nClrPane, lPixel, lDesign, oFont, lTransparent, nWidth, nHeight, cImage,nMargin,nClrfrom  ) CONSTRUCTOR

   METHOD ReDefine( nId, cLabel, oWnd, nClrText, nClrPane, oFont, lTransparent ) CONSTRUCTOR

   METHOD cGenPRG( lDlgUnits )

   METHOD cToChar() INLINE  ::Super:cToChar( "BUTTON" )

   METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam )

   METHOD Initiate( hDlg )

   METHOD Paint()

   METHOD Display() INLINE ::BeginPaint(), ::Paint(), ::EndPaint(), 0

   METHOD SaveToRC( nIndent )
   METHOD LoadImage( cImage )
   METHOD PaintHeader (aRect)



METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, cLabel, oWnd, nClrText, nClrPane,;
            lPixel, lDesign, oFont, lTransparent, nWidth, nHeight,;
               lRound,lBorder,nBorderColor,lShadow  ) CLASS TGroupeX

   DEFAULT nTop     := 0, nLeft := 0, nBottom := 3, nRight := 3,;
           oWnd     := GetWndDefault(),;
           nClrText := oWnd:nClrText, nClrPane := oWnd:nClrPane,;
           lPixel   := .f., lDesign := .f., ;
           lTransparent := .f., oFont := oWnd:oFont , ;
           nMargin  := 2 , nClrfrom:= CLR_BLUE ,  nClrTo := CLR_WHITE ,;
           nTextAlign  := 1, nImgAlign:= 2 ,nColorText := CLR_WHITE , lRound:= .T. ,;
           nBorderColor:= CLR_BLACK, lBorder:=.T. ,lGradient:= .t.,lShadow := .t.

   ::nTop  = nTop  * If( lPixel, 1, GRP_CHARPIX_H ) // 14
   ::nLeft = nLeft * If( lPixel, 1, GRP_CHARPIX_W ) //  7

   ::nMargin     =  nMargin
   ::nClrfrom    =  nClrfrom
   ::nClrTo      =  nClrTo
   ::lGradient   =  lGradient
   ::lRound      =  lRound
   ::cImage      =  cImage
   ::nTextAlign  =  nTextAlign
   ::nImgAlign   =  nImgAlign
   ::nColorText  =  nColorText
   ::lBorder     =  lBorder
   ::nBorderColor  = CLR_BLACK
   ::lShadow       = lShadow

 if ::lShadow
   ::nBorderColor  := nRGB(190,190,190)
    ::nBorderColor  := nRGB(150,150,150)

   if nWidth != nil
      ::nRight = ::nLeft + nWidth
      ::nRight   = nRight  * If( lPixel, 1, GRP_CHARPIX_W ) //  7

   if nHeight != nil
      ::nBottom = ::nTop + nHeight
      ::nBottom  = nBottom * If( lPixel, 1, GRP_CHARPIX_H ) // 14

   ::cCaption = cLabel
   ::oWnd     = oWnd
                     If( lDesign, nOr( WS_TABSTOP, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS ), 0 ) )
   ::nId      = ::GetNewId()
   ::lUpdate  = .f.
   ::lDrag    = lDesign
   ::lTransparent = lTransparent

   ::SetColor( nClrText, nClrPane )

   if lTransparent
      ::SetBrush( TBrush():New( "NULL" ) )

   if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd )
      ::Create( "BUTTON" )
      oWnd:AddControl( Self )
      oWnd:DefControl( Self )

   if oFont != nil
      ::SetFont( oFont )

   if lDesign

return Self


METHOD ReDefine( nId, cLabel, oWnd, nClrText, nClrPane, oFont,;
                 nImgAlign,nColorText,lRound,lBorder,nBorderColor,lShadow  ) CLASS TGroupeX

   DEFAULT nId      := ::GetNewId(),;
           nClrText := oWnd:nClrText, nClrPane := oWnd:nClrPane,;
           lTransparent:= .f., oWnd := GetWndDefault() ,;
            nMargin  := 2 , nClrfrom:= CLR_BLUE ,  nClrTo := CLR_WHITE ,;
           nTextAlign  := 1, nImgAlign:= 2 ,nColorText := CLR_WHITE , lRound:= .T. ,;
           nBorderColor:= CLR_BLACK, lBorder:=.T.,lGradient:= .f. ,lShadow := .t.

   ::nId      = nId
   ::cCaption = cLabel
   ::hWnd     = 0
   ::oWnd     = oWnd
   ::lUpdate  = .f.
   ::lTransparent = lTransparent

   ::nMargin     =  nMargin
   ::nClrfrom    =  nClrfrom
   ::nClrTo      =  nClrTo
   ::lGradient   =  lGradient
   ::lRound      =  lRound
   ::cImage      =  cImage
   ::nTextAlign  =  nTextAlign
   ::nImgAlign   =  nImgAlign
   ::nColorText  =  nColorText
   ::lBorder     =  lBorder
   ::nBorderColor  = CLR_BLACK
   ::lShadow      = lShadow

    if ::lShadow
   ::nBorderColor  := nRGB(190,190,190)
    ::nBorderColor  := nRGB(150,150,150)

   ::SetColor( nClrText, nClrPane )

   If lTransparent
      ::SetBrush( TBrush():New( "NULL" ) )

   if oFont != Nil
      ::SetFont( oFont )

   oWnd:DefControl( Self )

return Self


METHOD cGenPRG( lDlgUnits ) CLASS TGroupeX

   local cPrg := ""
   local nFactorX, nFactorY
   local cTop, cLeft, cWidth, cHeight

   DEFAULT lDlgUnits := .F.

   nFactorX = If( lDlgUnits, 4 / nLoWord( GetDlgBaseUnits() ), 1 )
   nFactorY = If( lDlgUnits, 8 / nHiWord( GetDlgBaseUnits() ), 1 )


   if ::cCaption == nil
      ::cCaption = ::GetText()

   cTop    = LTrim( Str( Int( ::nTop    * nFactorX ) ) )
   cLeft   = LTrim( Str( Int( ::nLeft   * nFactorY ) ) )
   cWidth  = LTrim( Str( Int( ::nWidth  * nFactorY ) ) )
   cHeight = LTrim( Str( Int( ::nHeight * nFactorX ) ) )

   cPrg += CRLF + "   @ " + cTop + ", " + cLeft + ;
           ' GROUPEX oGrp PROMPT "' + ::cCaption + '" SIZE ' + ;
           cWidth + ", " + cHeight + ;
           " PIXEL OF oWnd " + CRLF

return cPrg


METHOD Initiate( hDlg ) CLASS TGroupeX

   ::Super:Initiate( hDlg )

   if Empty( ::cCaption )
      ::cCaption = ::GetText()
      ::SetText( ::cCaption )

return nil


METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) CLASS TGroupeX

   local nResult

   if ::lDrag .and. nMsg == WM_NCHITTEST      // To have a standard behavior on Clicks
      return DefWindowProc( ::hWnd, nMsg, nWParam, nLParam )

   if nMsg == WM_UPDATEUISTATE  // Groups and contained controls were erased when pressing ALT
      nResult = ::Super:HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam )
      ::oWnd:Refresh( .f. )  // EMG: added .f. to alleviate flickering
      return nResult

return ::Super:HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam )



   local aRect := GetClientRect( ::hWnd )
  * local i

   if ::lShadow

         /*   linedraw( ::hDC, aRect[1]+6, aRect[4], aRect[3]+6, aRect[4], nRGB(130,130,130), 1 )

            linedraw( ::hDC, aRect[1]+8, aRect[4]+1, aRect[3]+6, aRect[4]+1, nRGB(160,160,160), 1 )

            linedraw( ::hDC, aRect[1]+10, aRect[4]+2, aRect[3]+6, aRect[4]+2, nRGB(190,190,190), 1 )

            linedraw( ::hDC, aRect[1]+12, aRect[4]+3, aRect[3]+6, aRect[4]+3, nRGB(210,210,210), 1 )

            linedraw( ::hDC, aRect[1]+16, aRect[4]+4, aRect[3]+6, aRect[4]+4, nRGB(210,210,210), 1 )

            for i = 1 to 8
               linedraw( ::hDC, aRect[3]+i, aRect[2]+i, aRect[3]+i, aRect[4]+i, nRGB(85+(i*20),85+(i*20),85+(i*20)), 1 )


 IF ::lGradient
    Gradient( ::hDC,  { 0, 0, aRect[ 2 ] + 24, aRect[ 4 ]  }, ::nClrfrom, ::nClrto, ::lVertical )

    Gradient( ::hDC,  { 24, 0, aRect[ 2 ] + 29, aRect[ 4 ]  }, nRGB(190,190,190), nRGB(255,255,255), ::lVertical )


     IF ::lBorder
       //hPen := CreatePen( 0, 1,::nBorderColor )
       rectdraw( ::hDC, aRect[1]+26, aRect[2]+1, aRect[3]+1, aRect[4], CLR_WHITE, 2 )

 ::PaintHeader (aRect)

return 1


METHOD SaveToRC( nIndent ) CLASS TGroupeX

   local cRC := Space( nIndent ) + "GROUPBOX "

   cRC += '"' + ::cCaption + '", '
   cRC += AllTrim( Str( ::nId ) ) + ", "
   cRC += AllTrim( Str( ::nTop ) ) + ", "
   cRC += AllTrim( Str( ::nLeft ) ) + ", "
   cRC += AllTrim( Str( ::nWidth ) ) + ", "
   cRC += AllTrim( Str( ::nHeight ) )
   cRC += ", BS_GROUPBOX"

return cRC


METHOD LoadImage( cImage )  CLASS TGroupeX

  local hImage := 0

  hImage := LoadBitmap( GetResources(), cImage )

  if hImage == 0
    hImage := ReadBitmap( 0, cImage )

  return (hImage)

METHOD PaintHeader (aRect)  CLASS TGroupeX

  LOCAL hImage, aRound
  LOCAL nRad :=  2
  LOCAL hBrush, hPen, hOldPen
  LOCAL nClrBorder  := nRGB(0,0,150)
  LOCAL nBmpWidth := 0
  lOCAL nRow, nCol,nrow1,ncol1

   IF ::lRound
    aRound := AClone (aRect)

    hBrush := SelectObject( ::hDC, ::oWnd:oBrush:hBrush )
    hPen   := CreatePen( 0, 1,::oWnd:nClrPane )
    hOldPen := SelectObject( ::hDC, hPen )

    aRound[4] -= 2

      /* Left */

    nrow := 0
    ncol := 0
    nrow1 := 0
    ncol1 := 10
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    nrow := 1
    ncol := 0
    nrow1 := 1
    ncol1 := 7
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    nrow := 2
    ncol := 0
    nrow1 := 2
    ncol1 := 5
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    nrow := 3
    ncol := 0
    nrow1 := 3
    ncol1 := 4
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    nrow := 4
    ncol := 0
    nrow1 := 4
    ncol1 := 3.5
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    nrow := 5
    ncol := 0
    nrow1 := 5
    ncol1 := 2
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    nrow := 5
    ncol := 0
    nrow1 := 5
    ncol1 := 2
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    nrow := 6
    ncol := 0
    nrow1 := 6
    ncol1 := 1
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    nrow := 7
    ncol := 0
    nrow1 := 7
    ncol1 := 1
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

     ** right

    aRound[4] += 3

    nrow := 0
    ncol := aRound[4] - 9
    nrow1 := 0
    ncol1 := aRound[4]
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    nrow := 1
    ncol := aRound[4] - 6
    nrow1 := 1
    ncol1 := aRound[4]
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    nrow := 2
    ncol := aRound[4] - 4
    nrow1 := 2
    ncol1 := aRound[4]
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    nrow := 3
    ncol := aRound[4] - 3
    nrow1 := 3
    ncol1 := aRound[4]
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    nrow := 4
    ncol := aRound[4]- 1
    nrow1 := 4
    ncol1 := aRound[4]
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    nrow := 5
    ncol := aRound[4]-1
    nrow1 := 5
    ncol1 := aRound[4]
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    nrow := 5
    ncol := aRound[4] - 1
    nrow1 := 5
    ncol1 := aRound[4]
    linedraw( ::hDC, nrow, ncol, nrow1, ncol1, ::oWnd:nClrPane, 1 )

    SelectObject( ::hDC, hOldPen )
    DeleteObject( hPen )
    SelectObject( ::hDC, hBrush )

  aRect[1]+=::nMargin // Margins

 // Image
  if !Empty (::cImage)
    hImage := ::LoadImage( ::cImage )
    nBmpWidth := nBmpWidth (hImage)
    nCol := aRect[2]
    nRow := aRect[1]
    IF nAnd (::nImgAlign,DT_RIGHT) == DT_RIGHT
      nCol := aRect[4]-nBmpWidth-10
    IF nAnd (::nImgAlign,DT_CENTER) == DT_CENTER
      nCol := (aRect[4]-aRect[2])/2-(nBmpWidth/2)
    IF nAnd (::nImgAlign,DT_VCENTER) == DT_VCENTER
      nRow := ((aRect[3]-aRect[1])/2)-(nBmpHeight(hImage)/2)
    IF nAnd (::nImgAlign,DT_BOTTOM) == DT_BOTTOM
      nRow := aRect[3]-nBmpHeight(hImage)
    DrawMasked( ::hDC, hImage, nRow, nCol )

// Label
  IF !Empty (::cCaption)
    IF nAnd (::nImgAlign,DT_CENTER) != DT_CENTER .and. nAnd (::nImgAlign,DT_RIGHT) != DT_RIGHT
      aRect[2]+= (nBmpWidth+3)
    IF nAnd (::nImgAlign,DT_CENTER) == DT_CENTER
      ::nTextAlign := IIF (::nTextAlign = DT_CENTER, DT_LEFT, ::nTextAlign)
      IF nAnd (::nTextAlign,DT_RIGHT)==DT_RIGHT
        aRect[2] := nCol+nBmpWidth+2
         aRect[4] := nCol-nBmpWidth-2
    IF nAnd (::nImgAlign,DT_RIGHT) == DT_RIGHT
      aRect[4]-= (nBmpWidth+3)
    SetTextColor (::hDC, ::nColorText)
    SetBkMode( ::hDC, 1 )
    SelectObject( ::hDC, ::oFont:hFont )
    DrawTextEx( ::hDC, ::cCaption, {aRect[1],aRect[2],aRect[3],aRect[4]}, ::nTextAlign)

return nil

 #pragma BEGINDUMP

#include <hbvm.h>
#include <hbstack.h>
#include <WinTen.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <hbApi.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <StdLib.h>
#include <ClipApi.h>


     HDC hDC = ( HDC ) _parnl( 1 );
   HGDIOBJ  hgdiobj1, hgdiobj2;
   HPEN     hpen;
   HBRUSH   hbrush;

   hpen     = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, ( int ) hb_parni( 7 ), ( COLORREF ) RGB( ( int ) hb_parni( 6, 1 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 6, 2 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 6, 3 ) ) );
   hgdiobj1 = SelectObject( hDC, hpen );
   if( hb_parl( 9 ) )

      hbrush   = CreateSolidBrush( ( COLORREF ) RGB( ( int ) hb_parni( 10 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 11 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 12 ) ) );
      hgdiobj2 = SelectObject( hDC, hbrush );
      br.lbStyle = BS_HOLLOW;
      hbrush     = CreateBrushIndirect( &br );
      hgdiobj2   = SelectObject( hDC, hbrush );

   Ellipse( hDC, ( int ) hb_parni( 3 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 5 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 4 ) );
   SelectObject( hDC, hgdiobj1 );
   SelectObject( hDC, hgdiobj2 );
   DeleteObject( hpen );
   DeleteObject( hbrush );


   HDC hDC = ( HDC ) _parnl( 1 );
   HGDIOBJ  hgdiobj1, hgdiobj2;
   HPEN     hpen;
   HBRUSH   hbrush;

   hpen  = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, ( int ) hb_parni( 7 ), ( COLORREF ) RGB( ( int ) hb_parni( 6, 1 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 6, 2 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 6, 3 ) ) );

   hgdiobj1 = SelectObject( hDC, hpen );

   br.lbStyle = BS_HOLLOW;
   hbrush     = CreateBrushIndirect( &br );
   hgdiobj2   = SelectObject( hDC, hbrush );
   Rectangle( hDC, ( int ) hb_parni( 3 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 5 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 4 ) );
   SelectObject( hDC, hgdiobj1 );
   SelectObject( hDC, hgdiobj2 );
   DeleteObject( hpen );
   DeleteObject( hbrush );


   HDC hDC = ( HDC ) _parnl( 1 );
   HGDIOBJ hgdiobj1;
   HPEN    hpen;

   hpen     = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, ( int ) hb_parni( 7 ), ( COLORREF ) RGB( ( int ) hb_parni( 6, 1 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 6, 2 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 6, 3 ) ) );
   hgdiobj1 = SelectObject( hDC, hpen );
   MoveToEx( hDC, ( int ) hb_parni( 3 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 2 ), NULL );
   LineTo( hDC, ( int ) hb_parni( 5 ), ( int ) hb_parni( 4 ) );
   SelectObject( hDC, hgdiobj1 );
   DeleteObject( hpen );

#pragma ENDDUM

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""
#include ""

Function Main()
   Local oDlg,oGr,oGr1,oGr2
   Local oFont
   local oget
   local cget:= space(30)


    DEFINE DIALOG oDlg SIZE 800,400 pixel title "New Class TGroup from Mr. Silvio"

             @ 10,5 GROUPEX oGr  TO 100,175  OF oDlg ;
                   LABEL "Anagrafica cliente "  PIXEL FONT oFont;
                     IMAGE "case.bmp" POSITION 0  MARGIN 2   ;
                        COLORHEADER METRO_TEAL,METRO_CYAN ;
                             GRADIENT TEXTALIGN 1  COLORTEXT CLR_RED  SHADOW

              @ 30,22 SAY "Name : " of oDlg   PIXEL
              @ 30,45 get oget var cget  of oDlg  size 100,12  PIXEL

              oGr1 := TGroupeX():New( 10, 180, 100, 350, "Hello World !!!", oDlg,,, .T.,,,,, )
              oGr1:nImgAlign := 2
             *é oGr2:lgradient := .f.

              oGr2 := TGroupeX():New( 110, 12, 180, 350, "Hello FiveWin", oDlg,,, .T.,,,,, )
              oGr2:nImgAlign := 0
              oGr2:lgradient:= .f.
              oGr2:lshadow:= .f.


Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: Group Layout View

Postby Antonio Linares » Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:20 am

You could use TExplorerBar with some changes
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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