type a value in the get and press enter - the first MsgInfo is blank the second MsgInfo has the value typed in.
Using a valid clause and using the bKeyDown to process the valid produces the same result
- Code: Select all Expand view
@15,65 GET oFindInvc VAR cJbNo picture '@!' UPDATE of oBar;
SIZE 60,20 ;
FONT oFont ;
oFindInvc:bKeyDown = { | nKey | If( nKey == VK_RETURN, (MsgInfo(cJbNo),MsgInfo(cJbNo)),) }
What I have is a buttonbar with an Exit and Find Buttons and a get field (the get field is hidden initially) - when the
find button is pressed the get is shown - the user enters a value and hits the enter key - the value is searched for and
if found sets a scope and displays a browse with the resulting records.
Using the xHarbour and FWH 11.05