I have a program which first opens all DBF needed and then opens some MySQL database and opens some tables using xBase syntax (USE sometable ...)
Then the program offers a main menu with several program options.
This works perfect.
Now I would like to do the same databases opening sequence (first DBF, then first databases and its tables), but now I want to add another database connection (different IP) and open some of the tables there. Meaning, one program will open two databases which are on different IP
Whenever I try to run such program, the program crashes without .LOG file, but ask me if I want to send M$ the error report..
If I remark one of the MySQL databases, the program regularly opens the first or the second MySQL database.
Cannot open BOTH databases one after another and use their tables.
The interesting thing is that after I open the first databases and use some tables, when I try to open another database on another IP, debug messages tels me that program connects to second MySQL database, but when I try to actually USE some tables there - the program crashes?
Am I missing here something? Is the parallel connection to two or more databases is possible at all?
Someone have a sample of opening the several MySQL databases one after another?