If I want to open my existing .RC-file with ResEdit I get this error on this line:
Line 319: Character string expected.
- Code: Select all Expand view
A1 ICON c:\fwh\projects\easyfact\prg\icons\easyftAL.ico
When I open the .RES file, there is no problem.
I never used a res-file before. I always modified the .RC-file and compiled it with BCC to a .RES file.
I find that very nice, because the .RC is a text-file, and I sometime edit the .RC file directly when I want ex. copy a existing Dialog to a simular one.
If I save the file directly to a .RES-file, does this mean I don't have to compile it anymore?
I try also to open the .RC file with Pelles C , and trid to save it as a .RES file in the hope that than I can edit the dialogs,and don't have a
text-file in the Pelles editor, but then I get a 'Access violation' error in module 'POIDE.EXE'.
Is it not possible to open the .RC file, and edit the dialogs vusualy, and not as a text-file in Pelles?