Wrapper for LibXl or XlsxWriter ...

Wrapper for LibXl or XlsxWriter ...

Postby Enrrique Vertiz » Thu Mar 17, 2022 12:14 pm


I want to review both options for generating large XLSX without excel installed and fast, will someone have an example of how to use commercial LibXL??
The same query but with XlsxWriter if it exists??
Enrrique Vertiz Pitta
xHb 1.23.1026X, Fwh 24.02, MySQL 8.0.X, SQLLIB 1.9m
Enrrique Vertiz
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Re: Wrapper for LibXl or XlsxWriter ...

Postby Jimmy » Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:46 pm


i have test-drive LibXl and XlsxWriter but now use ADO to create *.XLSx without Excel.

Why :?:

LibXl and XlsxWriter are not from Microsoft and ADO work with many Microsoft Product

Code: Select all  Expand view
   oConnect := CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )

   bError := ERRORBLOCK( { | oErr | BREAK( oErr ) } )
      oConnect:Execute( "DROP TABLE " + myXlsFile )
   ERRORBLOCK( bError )

   //  ---------------------- Catalog -------------------------- *

   oCatalog := CreateObject( "ADOX.Catalog" )
   oCatalog:ActiveConnection := 'Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;' + ;
                                'Data Source=' + myXlsFile + ';' + ;
                                'Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 Xml";'

   //  ---------------------- Create Table --------------------- *

   oTable := CreateObject( "ADOX.Table" )
   oTable:Name := "Sheet1"

   ii := 1
   FOR ii := 1 TO iMax
      cField := aStructure[ ii ] [ DBS_NAME ]
      cType := aStructure[ ii ] [ DBS_TYPE ]
      nLen := aStructure[ ii ] [ DBS_LEN ]
      nDec := aStructure[ ii ] [ DBS_DEC ]

      oColumn := CreateObject( "ADOX.Column" )
      oColumn:Name := cField

      DO CASE
         CASE cType = "C"
            oColumn:Type := adVarWChar
            oColumn:DefinedSize := nLen
            oColumn:Attributes := 2                                   // adColNullable
         CASE cType = "M"
            oColumn:Type := adLongVarWChar
            oColumn:Attributes := 2                                   // adColNullable
         CASE cType = "N"
            oColumn:Type := adDouble
            oColumn:DefinedSize := nLen
            oColumn:NumericScale := nDec
         CASE cType = "D"
            oColumn:Type := adDate
         CASE cType = "L"
            oColumn:Type := adBoolean

      oTable:Columns:Append( oColumn )

   // add Table to Catalog
   oCatalog:Tables:Append( oTable )

   oConnect:ConnectionString = 'Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;' + ;
           'Data Source=' + myXlsFile + ';' + ;
           'Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 Xml";'


   SetProperty( "ExportDbf", "ProgressBar_1", "Value", 0 )


   //  #define Use_INSERT .T.
#ifdef Use_INSERT
   //  ---------------------- INSERT INTO ---------------------- *

   // prepare String for Fields
   cSelect := "( "
   ii := 1
   FOR ii := 1 TO iMax
      cField := aStructure[ ii ] [ DBS_NAME ]
      cSelect += cField
      IF ii < iMax
         cSelect += ", "
   cSelect += " ) "

   // now start
   nStart := SECONDS()
      ii := 1
      cSql := "INSERT INTO [Sheet1] " + cSelect + "VALUES ( "

      FOR ii := 1 TO iMax
         cField := aStructure[ ii ] [ DBS_NAME ]
         cType := aStructure[ ii ] [ DBS_TYPE ]
         nPosi := FIELDPOS( cField )
         xValue := FIELDGET( nPosi )

         DO CASE
            CASE cType = "C"
               xValue := "'" + STRTRAN( xValue, "'", " " ) + "'"
            CASE cType = "M"
               IF LEN( xValue ) > 64
                  xValue := "'Memo'"
                  xValue := "'" + STRTRAN( xValue, "'", " " ) + "'"
            CASE cType = "D"

               IF EMPTY( xValue )
                  xValue := "0"
                  //  xValue := DTOC( xValue )
                  //  xValue := DTOS( xValue ) + "000001"
                  //  xValue := HB_STOT( DTOS( xValue ) + "000000" )
                  //  xValue := serial2dt(xValue )

                  xValue := STR( dt2serial( xValue ) )

            CASE cType = "L"
               xValue := IF( xValue = .T., "TRUE", "FALSE" )
            CASE cType = "N"
               xValue := STR( xValue )

         cSql += xValue
         IF ii < iMax
            cSql += ","
      cSql += ")"
      oConnect:Execute( cSql )
      onDummy( TIME(), cSql )

      nRowLine ++
      IF ( nRowLine % nEvery ) = 0
         nProz := CalcPos( nRowLine, nMax )
         IF nProz > 100
            nProz := 100
         SetProperty( "ExportDbf", "ProgressBar_1", "Value", nProz )
         DO EVENTS


   //  ---------------------- ADO Recordset -------------------- *

   objRS := CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" )
   objRS:Open( "Select * from [Sheet1]", oConnect, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic )

   // now start
   nStart := SECONDS()
      aField := {}
      aValue := {}
      ii := 1
      FOR ii := 1 TO iMax
         cField := aStructure[ ii ] [ DBS_NAME ]
         cType := aStructure[ ii ] [ DBS_TYPE ]
         nPosi := FIELDPOS( cField )
         xValue := FIELDGET( nPosi )

         IF EMPTY( xValue )
            DO CASE
               CASE cType = "C"
                  xValue := " "
               CASE cType = "M"
                  xValue := " "
               CASE cType = "N"
                  xValue := 0.00
               CASE cType = "D"
                  xValue := CTOD( "  .  .  " )
               CASE cType = "L"
                  xValue := .F.

         AADD( aField, cField )
         AADD( aValue, xValue )
      objRS:AddNew( aField, aValue )
      objRS:Update()                                                  // objRS:UpdateBatch()

      nRowLine ++
      IF ( nRowLine % nEvery ) = 0
         nProz := CalcPos( nRowLine, nMax )
         IF nProz > 100
            nProz := 100
         SetProperty( "ExportDbf", "ProgressBar_1", "Value", nProz )
         DO EVENTS


   objRS := NIL


   oConnect := NIL

   nStop := SECONDS() - nStart
   onDummy( TIME(), "finish after " + LTRIM( STR( nStop ) ) )

   oCatalog := NIL
   oTable := NIL
   oColumn := NIL

   hb_cdpSelect( cOldLang )

   SetCursorWait( "WinLeft", .F. )
   SetCursorWait( "WinRight", .F. )

   //    Msginfo( "finish after " + LTRIM( STR( nStop ) ) )


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Re: Wrapper for LibXl or XlsxWriter ...

Postby Enrrique Vertiz » Thu Mar 17, 2022 4:00 pm

Thanks Jimmy but ADO is good for exporting but it doesn't allow me to define cells with colors, widths, borders, make breaks and embed formulas, I need to generate large reports in Excel, so I need some help with LibXL or failing that with xlsxwriter
Thanks again
Enrrique Vertiz Pitta
xHb 1.23.1026X, Fwh 24.02, MySQL 8.0.X, SQLLIB 1.9m
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Re: Wrapper for LibXl or XlsxWriter ...

Postby Jimmy » Thu Mar 17, 2022 7:51 pm


so I need some help with LibXL or failing that with xlsxwriter

here you will find some Xbase++ CLASS Code for LibXL from Hubert Brandel
look for Attachment in 1st Message of Thread ( use v1.9 Version )

Xbase++ CLASS Code is 99 % compatible to harbour
Code: Select all  Expand view
   #include 'ot4xb.ch'   // 3-PP LIB not need for harbour
   #xcommand METHOD <!ClassName!>:<MethodName> => METHOD <MethodName> CLASS <ClassName>
METHOD _HBLibXL:init(cName,cKey)  

Code: Select all  Expand view
METHOD _HBLibXL:init(cName,cKey) CLASS _HBLibXL

but Code might have Function with "other Name".
if you have more Question ask in German Xbase++ Forum
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Re: Wrapper for LibXl or XlsxWriter ...

Postby Enrrique Vertiz » Thu Mar 17, 2022 9:37 pm

Thanks Jimmy, I'll check to see what I can do...
Enrrique Vertiz Pitta
xHb 1.23.1026X, Fwh 24.02, MySQL 8.0.X, SQLLIB 1.9m
Enrrique Vertiz
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