Sending Email with CURL ?

Sending Email with CURL ?

Postby TimStone » Thu Jul 28, 2022 10:43 pm

I have been using tsmtp() class, with some modifications for CDO, etc., within a windows application with no problem for several years.

I have recently built a Service and all is working great. However, it stops running when trying to send emails. The lockup is happening when the SMTP class is linked in. I tried adding a modified version with any windows referencing calls removed, but no luck.

I have reviewed posts on the forum that suggest Harbour, with CURL, can be used to handle emails. However, I can't find an actual complete example.

I do use curl for websites, and have no problem with JSON, etc. traffic. However, that is not EMAIL, being sent through a remote email server.

Can anyone give me links to a clear example of using CURL to SEND email to an SMTP server ?

Tim Stone
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
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Re: Sending Email with CURL ?

Postby Jimmy » Thu Jul 28, 2022 11:04 pm

hi Tim,

i had ask same Question for FiveWin.

i have found this Code and have successful add "my Provider" ( Germany T-ONLINE ) :D
but i fail at my 2nd Provider WEB.DE ... :( have something to do with STARTTLS ...

hope you can use this Code Sample
Code: Select all  Expand view
/* Copyright 2014-2017 Viktor Szakats */

#require "hbcurl"
#require "hbtip"

#include ""
#include ""

#define HB_CURLVERINFO_VERSION                1
#define HB_CURLVERINFO_VERSION_NUM            2
#define HB_CURLVERINFO_PROTOCOLS              8  /* Array */
#define HB_CURLSSLSET_OK                      0
#define HB_CURLOPT_MIMEPOST                   250

PROCEDURE Main( cFrom, cPassword, cTo, cHost )

   LOCAL lSystemCA, cCA := hb_PathJoin( iif( hb_DirBase() == "", hb_cwd(), hb_DirBase() ), "cacert.pem" )
   #if defined( __PLATFORM__WINDOWS )
   LOCAL tmp

   LOCAL curl
   LOCAL lAPI_curl := curl_version_info()[ HB_CURLVERINFO_VERSION_NUM ] >= 0x073800

   LOCAL cUser
   LOCAL cText
   LOCAL cSubject

   /* Require STARTTLS on port 587 (true) or allow it to proceed without it (false) */

   IF hb_AScan( curl_version_info()[ HB_CURLVERINFO_PROTOCOLS ], "smtps",,, .T. ) == 0
      ? "Error: Requires libcurl 7.20.0 or newer, built with TLS/SSL and SMTP protocol support"

   hb_default( @cFrom    , "" )
   hb_default( @cPassword, "password" )
   hb_default( @cTo      , "" )
   hb_default( @cHost    , "localhost" )

   cFrom := "<" + ( cUser := hb_curl_mail_address_to_email( cFrom ) ) + ">"
   cTo := "<" + hb_curl_mail_address_to_email( cTo ) + ">"
   cHost := Lower( cHost )

   cSubject := "Example sending a MIME-formatted message"

   cText := ;
      e"This is the inline text message of the email.\r\n" + ;
      e"\r\n" + ;
      e"  It could be a lot of lines that would be displayed in an email\r\n" + ;
      e"viewer that is not able to handle HTML.\r\n"

   cHTML := ;
      e"<html><body>\r\n" + ;
      e"<p>This is the inline <strong>HTML</strong> message of the email.</p>" + ;
      e"<br>\r\n" + ;
      e"<p>It could be a lot of HTML data that would be displayed by " + ;
      e"email viewers able to handle HTML.</p>" + ;

   lSTARTTLS_force := .F.

   /* NOTE: Consult your provider for updated settings
            and create a Pull Request if necessary. */

   CASE cHost == "apple" .OR. "" $ cFrom .OR. "" $ cFrom .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtp://"; lSTARTTLS_force := .T.
   CASE cHost == "fastmail" .OR. "" $ cFrom .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "" .OR. "" $ cFrom .OR. "" $ cFrom .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "google" .OR. "" $ cFrom .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "" .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "netease" .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "office365"
      cHost := "smtp://"; lSTARTTLS_force := .T.
   CASE cHost == "outlook" .OR. "" $ cFrom .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtp://"; lSTARTTLS_force := .T.
   CASE cHost == "sina" .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "uol" .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "yahoo" .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "" .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtp://"; lSTARTTLS_force := .T.
      cUser := StrTran( cUser, "" )
   CASE cHost == "localhost"
      cHost := "smtp://localhost:1025"  /* MailHog */
      cUser := cPassword := NIL

// add German T-ONLINE
   CASE cHost == ""
      cHost := "smtp://"; lSTARTTLS_force := .T.


   ? "libcurl:", curl_version_info()[ HB_CURLVERINFO_VERSION ]
   ? "Payload API:", iif( lAPI_curl, "libcurl native", "tip_MailAssemble()" )
   ? "Host:", cHost, iif( lSTARTTLS_force, "(must STARTTLS)", "" )

   #if defined( __PLATFORM__UNIX )
      lSystemCA := .T.
   #elif defined( __PLATFORM__WINDOWS )
      /* Switch to SChannel SSL backend, if available (on Windows).
         Doing this to use the OS certificate store. */

      curl_global_sslset( -1,, @tmp )
      IF ( lSystemCA := ;
         curl_global_sslset( HB_CURLSSLBACKEND_SCHANNEL ) == HB_CURLSSLSET_OK )
         cCA := NIL
         cCA := hb_DirBase() + hb_DirSepToOS( "../../../bin/" ) + cCA
      lSystemCA := .F.


   IF Empty( curl := curl_easy_init() )
      ? "Failed to init"
      IF ! lSystemCA
         IF hb_vfExists( cCA )
            curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_CAINFO, cCA )
            ? "Error: Trusted Root Certificates missing. Open this URL in your web browser:"
            ? "  " + ""
            ? "and save the file as:"
            ? "  " + cCA
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_USE_SSL, ;
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_UPLOAD )
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_URL, cHost )
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS, ;
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, 15000 )
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_VERBOSE, .T. )
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_USERNAME, cUser )
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_PASSWORD, cPassword )
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM, cFrom )
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT, { cTo } )

      IF lAPI_curl
         curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, { ;
            "Date: " + hb_curl_date(), ;
            "To: " + cTo, ;
            "From: hbcurl " + cFrom, ;
            "Cc: " + cTo, ;
            "Message-ID: <>", ;
            "Reply-To: " + cFrom, ;
            "Disposition-Notification-To: " + cFrom, ;
            "X-Priority: " + hb_ntos( 3 ), ;  /* 1: high, 3: standard, 5: low */
            "Subject: " + cSubject } )

         /* NOTE: 'charset' to be added when implemented */
         curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_MIMEPOST, { ;
            { "subparts" => { ;
              { "data" => cHTML, ;
                "type" => "text/html" }, ;
              { "data" => cText } }, ;
              "type" => "multipart/alternative", ;
              "headers" => { "Content-Disposition: inline" } }, ;
            { "filedata" => __FILE__ }, ;
            { "data" => Replicate( hb_BChar( 123 ), 1024 ), ;
              "type" => "image/png", ;
              "encoder" => "base64", ;  /* binary, 8bit, 7bit, base64, quoted-printable */
              "filename" => "mock.png" } } )
         cText := tip_MailAssemble( ;
            "hbtip " + cFrom, ;
            { cTo }, ;
            /* aCC */, ;
            cText, ;
            cSubject, ;
            { __FILE__, { "mock.png", Replicate( hb_BChar( 123 ), 1024 ) } } /* attachments */, ;
            /* nPriority */, ;
            /* lRead */, ;
            /* cReplyTo */, ;
            /* cCharset */, ;
            /* cEncoding */, ;
            .F. /* lBodyHTML */, ;
            /* bSMIME */ )
         curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_UL_BUFF_SETUP, cText )
         curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE, hb_BLen( cText ) )

      ? "Result:", curl_easy_perform( curl )
      curl_easy_cleanup( curl )

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