FW_SetUnicode(.T.) "block" Notify Event LVN_GETDISPINFO

FW_SetUnicode(.T.) "block" Notify Event LVN_GETDISPINFO

Postby Jimmy » Thu Jan 05, 2023 8:45 pm


i want to use LVN_GETDISPINFO Notify Event but it does not work :shock:
other Notify Event like LVN_KEYDOWN or LVN_ITEMCHANGED does work ... hm

now i found out that FW_SetUnicode(.T.) made the "Problem" ... is there a Workaround :?:

p.s. all LVN_* are Notify Event from "Listview" (SysListView32)
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#define LVN_FIRST             -100
#define LVN_ITEMCHANGED       ( LVN_FIRST - 1 )
#define LVN_GETDISPINFO       ( LVN_FIRST - 50)
#define LVN_KEYDOWN           ( LVN_FIRST - 55)
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