Hello Rick,
maybe have a look at the xBrowse-Tools.
You can change / test all Settings and see the Result.
As well it gives You the Code of Your changes.
the normal way :
oBrw:lHScroll := .T. or .F.
oBrw:lVScroll := .T. or .F.
In Resources You can switch HScroll or VScroll ON / OFF.
A Listbox, without any Scrollbars :
oLbx3 := TXBrowse():New( oFld:aDialogs[1] )
oLbx3:nMarqueeStyle := MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROW
oLbx3:nColDividerStyle := LINESTYLE_BLACK
oLbx3:nRowDividerStyle := LINESTYLE_BLACK
oLbx3:nRecSelColor = 15512898
oLbx3:bClrSelFocus = { || { 16777215, 15512898 } }
oLbx3:bClrSel = { || { 16777215, 15512898 } }
oLbx3:SetArray( aBRCOLOR )
oLbx3:aCols[ 1 ]:cHeader = Padr("No.", 3)
oLbx3:aCols[ 2 ]:cHeader = Padr("End", 19)
oLbx3:lHScroll := .F.
oLbx3:lVScroll := .F.oLbx3:lFooter := .T.
oLbx3:bLClicked := { | nRow, nCol | ROW_POS2 := oLbx3:nRowSel, ;
oLbx0:Refresh(), ;
oBmp2:Refresh(), ;
oBR_COLOR2:Refresh() ) }
oLbx3:aCols[ 2 ]:AddResource("Black")
oLbx3:aCols[ 2 ]:AddResource("White")
oLbx3:aCols[ 2 ]:AddResource("Blue")
oLbx3:aCols[ 2 ]:AddResource("Green")
oLbx3:aCols[ 2 ]:AddResource("Red")
oLbx3:aCols[ 2 ]:AddResource("Yellow")
oLbx3:aCols[ 2 ]:AddResource("Magenta")
oLbx3:aCols[ 2 ]:bBmpData := {|| oLbx3:nArrayAt }
oLbx3:aCols[ 2 ]:bStrData := {|| oLbx3:aRow[2] }
oLbx3:nArrayAt := ROW_POS2
oLbx3:nRowSel := ROW_POS2
oLbx3:nFooterHeight := 15
oLbx3:CreateFromResource( 120 )
Best Regards