I use ADS triggers extensively.
ADS triggers can receive __new and __old cursors containing the new and the old data. For time and date, you wouldn't need to send anything. You can always use the ADS SQL engine function now(). As in UPDATE table SET dt_field = now(). If the table is ADT or DBF /CDX, then you could have a field type datetime that defaults to now() - then you wouldn't even have to worry about ever writing to that field.
Look at this trigger as a sample. It has many things:
- Code: Select all Expand view
declare @is_email LOGICAL;
declare @email CHAR(100);
declare @is_hosp_email LOGICAL;
declare @hosp_email CHAR(100);
declare @old cursor as select * from __old;
declare @new cursor as select * from __new;
open @old;
fetch @old;
open @new;
fetch @new;
if @new.signed = TRUE AND @old.signed = FALSE then
@is_email = ( SELECT is_email from doctors where doctors.id = @new.refer_id );
@email = ( SELECT email from doctors where doctors.id = @new.refer_id );
if @is_email = TRUE AND @email IS NOT NULL then
INSERT INTO plmail ( pathno, doc_id, send_to )
VALUES ( @new.pathno, @new.refer_id,
( SELECT email FROM doctors
WHERE doctors.id = @new.refer_id
AND doctors.is_email = TRUE
AND doctors.email IS NOT NULL) );
INSERT INTO plmail ( pathno, doc_id, send_to )
SELECT c.pathno, c.copyto, doc.email FROM copyto c
LEFT JOIN doctors doc ON doc.id = c.copyto
WHERE c.pathno = @new.pathno
AND doc.is_email = TRUE
AND doc.email IS NOT NULL ;
endif ;
if @new.facility IS NOT NULL then
@is_hosp_email = ( SELECT TOP 1 is_email from hospital where hospital.name = @new.facility );
@hosp_email = ( SELECT TOP 1 e_mail from hospital where hospital.name = @new.facility );
if @is_hosp_email = TRUE AND @hosp_email IS NOT NULL then
INSERT INTO plmail ( pathno, doc_id, send_to )
SELECT @new.pathno, h.passwd, h.e_mail from hospital h
WHERE h.name = @new.facility ;
if @new.signed = FALSE AND @old.signed = TRUE then
WHERE pathno = @new.pathno
AND DateTime_Sent IS NULL ;
WHERE pathno = @new.pathno;
endif ;