In the beginning of the TGET-class, there is this line :
- Code: Select all Expand view
- #define COLOR_GRAYTEXT 17
This line defines the color of the characters in the TGET-field in case the WHEN-clause is .F.
To make this more visible, I changed it to this code :
- Code: Select all Expand view
- #define COLOR_GRAYTEXT 2
The charachters in the TGET-field are darkblue if the WHEN-clause is .F.
This works fine in Windows XP.
I tried it out on Windows 7 and that case, the characters are light-gray. I tried every figure from 1 to 17. Only 4 colors appear : white, light-gray, normal gray and black.
Why is Windows 7 not responding to the colors which are asked by my application ?
Thank you in advance for any help.