2 problems:
The rc2dll32 doesn't seem to be working correctly. Screen32.c is in c:\Borland\bcc55\bin but doen't see it. Message reads "could not find file screen32.c" Its there. Also can't find the screen32.obj in the 6th line of the bat file below. Please help by correcting the bat file.
Once the 32 bit dlls are created how do I get them into screen32.dll since I store all resoures in one dll.
Bat file:
rem RC file to 32 bits resources DLL
rem syntax: rc2dll32.bat Your_rc_file !!! without the .RC extension
c:\borland\bcc55\bin\bcc32 -c screen32.c
c:\borland\bcc55\bin\brc32 -r %1.rc
c:\borland\bcc55\bin\ilink32 /Tpd c:\borland\bcc55\lib\c0d32.obj screen32.obj, %1.dll,,c:\borland\bc55\lib\cw32.lib c:\borland\bcc55\lib\import32.lib,, %1.res
del *.i*
del *.map
del *.obj
del *.res
del *.tds
echo done!
Thanks for all of your help