by Antonio Linares » Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:20 pm
And more:
1. Post Edit navigation:
(a) If get is exited with up or down arrow, cursor is moved to previous or next row as the case may be.
(b) If lFastEdit is true, cursor goes to the next editable cell in the same row. If the edited cell is the last editable cell in the rown, cursor goes to the first editable cell of the next row.
2. Tooltips for headers: New data cToolTip of TXBrwColumn can be assigned with a toolip as character value / array / codeblock. The tooltip will be shown when mouse hovers on the header of the column.
3. Mouse Wheel: Now mouse wheel works only when the mouse is in the browse's data area and number of lines scrolled depends on the window's settings. Thanks to suggestions from Manuel Mercado and James Bott.
3. SetArray( <hash> ) is implemented for xharbour.
4. User speicified date formats can be assigned to oCol:cEditPicture and dates will be shown in the specified format will be used for display in xbrowse and export to excel. The formats are the same that are used for formatting dates in excel. ( eg dd/mm/yyyy, mmmm dd yyyy, etc )
5. Sorting RDD. Repeated click on the header toggles ascending / descending order of the sort even for RDD ( if the RDD supports ), in the same way like arrays and recordsets
6. Sorting on columns is possible for TDatabase ( and similar objects ) set with SetoDbf(...) or with commands, by assigning data name to oCol:cSortOrder. This works if the data object contains method by name SetOrder( <corder> )
7. In earlier versions a column object can be retrieved by oBrw:oCol( <cHeader> ). Now it is possible to retrieve a column object with new syntax oBrw:cHeader. It is also possible to create new columns with this syntax.
oBrw:SalePrice := { || oBrw:Sales:Value / oBrw:Quantity:Value }
Above stament adds a new column with the header 'SALEPRICE' whose value is the value of column with header 'SALES'
divided by the value in the column with header 'QUANTITY'.
oBrw:Sales:nEditType := EDIT_GET
Column with header 'SALES' is set to editmode.
8. New Function XBROWSE( [cAlias/aData/oRs/oDbf], [cTitle], [lAutoSort], [bSetUp] ) for quick browse of any datasource.
use customer
xbrowse( aArray / oRs / oDbf / cAlias / hHash )
Additional features can be provided by the programmer through bSetUp codeblock, which receives the browse object
as parameter.