Test TXBROWSE new features
* New: Class TXBrowse DATA nBtnBmp to select the bitmap index from the array oCol:aBitmaps so the button image can be changed, when these edit styles are used: EDIT_LISTBOX, EDIT_BUTTON, EDIT_GET_LISTBOX and EDIT_GET_BUTTON.
* New: Class TXBrowse Method ChangeBitmap(), selects the button image using DATA nBtnBmp value.
* New: Class TXBrowse DATA lAutoAppend used when FastEdit is active and allows to automatically append a new record to the xbrowse when EOF is true. It is on by default.
* New: Class TXBrowse DATA oEditFont allows to set a desired font for editing. A font object or a codeblock may be used.
* New: Class TXBrowse DATA bToolTip allows to set a tooltip to the xbrowse cells.
* New: Class TXBrowse DATA cBmpAdjBrush, adjusts the brush to the entire area of the browse. To avoid the "TILED" style, it has to be used with SetBackGround().
test TGET new feature
* New: Class TGet DATAs nClrTextDis, nClrPaneDis to allow the change of the colors of the get when it is disabled. Codeblocks are allowed too.