I want to send emails using html to be able to add a heading to my messages.
To do this, I use the function : oMail:HtmlBody.
But there is also the function : oMail:Body.
In fact, the first function is doing the job, except for the layout of the text I want to add. All CRLF of CHR(13) are denied which results into the all the text being grouped into one block.
What can I do to solve this problem ?
My code for instance looks like this :
- Code: Select all Expand view
- LOCAL EmText := "" // Variable to put my text in.
oMail:HTMLBody := "<html><body><p><img border=" + CHR(34) + "0" + CHR(34) + "src=" + CHR(34) + "http://www.ma-consult.be/image.jpg" + CHR(34) + " width=" + CHR(34) + "305" + CHR(34) + " height=" + CHR(34) + "67" + CHR(34) + "></p><p>" + ALLTRIM(FmText) + "</p></body></html>"
The image-file is shown in my email, the text (FmText) follows immediately, but unformated (all text behind each other).
I hope someone can help me, maybe by adding some hmtl-code ?
Thanks a lot in advance.