nStartCol := INT( oPrinter:nLogPixelX() * 0.10)
nWidth := INT( oPrinter:nHorzRes() ) - nStartCol
oFHead3 :=TFont():New( "TIMES NEW ROMAN", 0, -16 , .F., .F., 0, 0, 800,,,, 0, 3, 2, 1, oPrinter )
oFTitl1 :=TFont():New( "TIMES NEW ROMAN, 0, -11 , .F., .F., 0, 0, 600,,,, 0, 3, 2, 1, oPrinter )
// Print others part of header
aHOthers := { ;
{ "INVOICE ", cInv },;
{ " ", Nil },;
{ "DATE ", DTOC( dDate ) },;
{ "P/O ", cPO },;
{ "D/O ", cDO },;
{ "TERMS ", cTerm },;
{ "SALESMAN ", cSMan },;
{ "PAGE NO ", STRZERO( nPage, 3 ) }, ;
{ "A/C NO ", cIden } ;
nCol1 := nWidth - ( nStartCol + ( nFntWid * ( LEN( aHOthers[ 1,1 ] ) + 17 ) ) )
nCol2 := nCol1 + ( nFntWid * LEN( aHOthers[ 1,1 ] ) )
FOR nHCnt := 1 TO LEN( aHOthers )
if nHCnt == 1
nRow += ( oRptFont1:nHeight * 2.5)
oPrinter:Say( nRow, nCol1, aHOthers[nHCnt,1], oFHead3 )
oPrinter:Say( nRow, nCol1, aHOthers[nHCnt,1], oFTitl1 )
IF aHOthers[ nHCnt, 2 ] != Nil
IF nHCnt == 1 // Invoice number to be printed in BOLD
oPrinter:Say( nRow, nCol2, ": "), oRptFont1 )
oPrinter:Say( nRow, nCol2 + ( oFHead3:nWidth * 2 ),aHOthers[ nHCnt, 2 ], oFHead3 )
oPrinter:Say( nRow, nCol2, ": " + aHOthers[ nHCnt, 2 ], oRptFont1 )
nRow += oRptFont1:nHeight