I'm converting a listbox that used to contain bitmaps to an xBrowse.
Before, i used to create an array of bitmaps
- Code: Select all Expand view
PUBLIC aPics := { ;
LoadBitmap( GetResources() , "CHECKOFF" ) , ;
LoadBitmap( GetResources() , "CONFIRMED") , ;
LoadBitmap( GetResources() , "CHECKON" ) , ;
LoadBitmap( GetResources() , "TRAXSENT" ) , ;
LoadBitmap( GetResources() , "TRAXFAIL" ) , ;
LoadBitmap( GetResources() , "TICKED" ) , ;
LoadBitmap( GetResources() , "NOTTICKED") }
and then just have a field in the listbox that called a function like this:
- Code: Select all Expand view
FUNCTION MdiConfirmed(cAlias)
RETURN aPics[IF(&cAlias.->CONFIRMED,8,1)]
I'm now trying to replicate this in an xBrowse, but all i get is a number appearing. The added problem i have, is that i give my customers the ability to define what appears and where it appears in the browse, so i can't hardcode that column 1 will be the bitmap
Thanks in advance