Where can i download last version of TsBrowse (9.0) or higher ?
In version 8.0 line 4913
While ! ::IsColVisible( nNewCol ) .and. ::nColpos >= 1 .and. ::nColPos
something missing at the end of line and produce error..
Best regards,
// added to method addcolumn
If ::lNoHScroll
nMin := Min( 1, Len( ::aColumns ) )
nMax := Len( ::aColumns )
::oHScroll := TSBScrlBar():WinNew( nMin, nMax,, .F., Self )
::oHScroll:SetRange( 1, Len( ::aColumns ) )
::oHScroll:SetPage( 1 , .T. )
If ::nCell == Len( ::aColSizes )
::oHScroll:SetPos( ::nCell )
// added to method setdbf
Elseif ::cDriver == "RMDBFCDX" .or. ::cDriver == "COMIX"
::bTagOrder := {|uTag|( cAlias )->( OrdSetFocus(uTag) )}
::lClipMore := .t.
::bKeyNo := {|cTag|( cAlias )->( cmKeyNo(cTag) ) }
::bKeyCount := {|cTag| ( cAlias )->( If( IndexOrd() > 0, cmKeyCount( cTag ), lastrec() ) ) }
::bLogicLen := {|cTag| ( cAlias )->( If( IndexOrd() > 0, cmKeyCount( cTag ), lastrec() ) ) }
::bGoToPos := {|n| ( cAlias )->( cmKeyGoTo( n ) ) }
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