I have a question about MySQL (or MariaDB).
Now I use SQLite. Here I don't need a SQL-server.
I was looking a the samples on the TDolphin site a there was a sample (testemb1).
Is it correct that if I use the option "Dolphin_server_embedded" I don't need to have a server.
So this is just the same as I shoud use SQLite on just 1 PC?
The only different is that the SQLite exist of only 1 file containing all the tables ans indexes, triggers.., and a MySQL-database has more files.
If I don't open de database 'embedded' I need to have the MySQL-server installed?
Is it with TDolphin also possible to create a SQL-database (like I do with SQLite) if in doesn't exist (after fist time install)?
Is it also possible to modify the structure from the code if needed for an update. Now I start my program with an extra parameter after an update, so it verify the structure and change it if needed.