It was a good year!
I am happy having taken the decision to start converting WINHOTEL to a “Metro style” design more than a year ago and that I didn’t use any of the other options but FIVEWIN.
Maybe it was more work to get ready “Metro style like” controls but I am in my confidant environment and that’s what count.
It proofed that you have to go a long way till you understand the benefits of “Metro style design”. Here the discussion is always reduced to WINDOWS 8 operating system.
But the revolution in software design is not the operating system but the courage to reduce screen design to a minimum.
I am glad that I took a decision this time and that I didn’t start looking around what would be the best option: .net, java or whatever.
I made the best out of that what we have as FIVEWINNERS and I am secure that I did right.
Thanks to all for the help specially to Antonio and Mr. Rao.
Best regards,