New Fivewin with new PDF

New Fivewin with new PDF

Postby byron.hopp » Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:29 am

I am testing the new Fivewin 21.11 and have been creating PDF's with the FwPdf class and it works great. Does anybody know how to be sure when the FwPdf class releases the file, or can you make sure it has released the file before moving on in the program. I am immediately needing to email the file as an attachment and need to make sure it is available before I attempt to send the email?

Byron Hopp
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Re: New Fivewin with new PDF

Postby cnavarro » Sat Apr 02, 2022 10:45 am

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if File( "myfile.pdf" )
Cristobal Navarro
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Re: New Fivewin with new PDF

Postby Jimmy » Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:43 pm


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if File( "myfile.pdf" ) .AND. FilesSire > 0

as long PDF is "not finish" Size is 0
i do have same Problem when create "ZIP" Files which work "asynchron"
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Re: New Fivewin with new PDF

Postby cnavarro » Sat Apr 02, 2022 9:53 pm

Jimmy, yes, very good your post
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if File( "myfile.pdf" ) .and hb_fsize( "myfile.pdf" ) > 0   // 10
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
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Re: New Fivewin with new PDF

Postby byron.hopp » Mon Apr 04, 2022 5:30 pm

All, thanks for the responses but I was hoping I could find a way to determine that the file is created and the file handle has been released with out testing for it. I have been working with PDF995 and the reason I moved to using the new fivewin was with the hope that I would not have to test for the existence of the file, test for size (and what I found out is that just not equal to zero will not work, the file may read several sizes before it is complete). Is there a way for the program to stop on the line where it is writing the file to the disc, and not move on until it is complete. Where I can be sure the file is there, complete, and released. Thanks,
Byron Hopp
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Re: New Fivewin with new PDF

Postby karinha » Mon Apr 04, 2022 6:55 pm

João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: New Fivewin with new PDF

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:06 pm

Dear Byron,

You could try to rename the PDF file, as meanwhile the file is in use, you will not able to do it:

while FRename( cCurrentName, cNewName ) != 0
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: New Fivewin with new PDF

Postby byron.hopp » Mon Apr 04, 2022 11:23 pm

This problem may be related to the new programming environment for my new FWHarbour libs. Is it possible that if I don't have the libs in the correct order I could have problems. I am getting the following message:

Could not send message;Error: 1;SubC: 1006;OSCode: -2147352573;SubSystem: WINOLE;Message: Argument error

This seems to happen right when I attempt to attach the file using the oEmailMsg:AddAttachment method.
If I don't include an attachment the email sends fine. Is there a way to get better information on the Argument error to help debug?

Byron Hopp
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Re: New Fivewin with new PDF

Postby karinha » Tue Apr 05, 2022 10:21 am

Good Morning,

oEmailMsg:AddAttachment method

Show your email sending routine please.

test it too, with my email sending routine: RMAIL.PRG

Download Complete,

Use google translator to change from Portuguese to English, please.

Questions, feel free to ask.

Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: New Fivewin with new PDF

Postby byron.hopp » Tue Apr 05, 2022 7:12 pm

Here is the code for email. Seems to work in xHB using FiveWin 7.01, but it doesn't work with the new FiveWin which makes me think I have something wrong with my make file.

#include ""


function Main()

return nil

Function TestSend()
Local cServer := ""
Local cUserName := ""
Local cPassWord := "mypassword"
Local cFrom := ""
Local cSubject := DtoC( Date() ) + "-" + Time() + ", SPF Test for EMail"
Local cToAddr := ""
Local cCC := ""
Local cBody := "Email to test the SPF information in the EML. This email was authencated using the user name."
Local cAttach := "c:\PdfFolder\Hopp.pdf"
Local cCsvFile := ""
Local lAttachCsv := FALSE
Local cLogFile := ""
McsSendEMail( cServer,cUserName,cPassWord,cFrom,cSubject,cToAddr,cCC,cBody,cAttach,cCsvFile,lAttachCsv,cLogFile )
Return nil

Function McsSendEMail( cServer,cUserName,cPassWord,cFrom,cSubject,cToAddr,cCC,cBody,cAttach,cCsvFile,lAttachCsv,cLogFile )
Local oError := nil
Local nI := 0
Local oEmailCfg := nil
Local oEmailMsg := nil
Local cHtml := '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-/' + '/W3C/' + '/DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional/' + '/EN">'
cHtml += '<HTML><HEAD>'
cHtml += '<META content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv=Content-Type>'
cHtml += '<META name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 8.00.6001.18783">'
cHtml += '<STYLE></STYLE>'
cHtml += '</HEAD>'
cHtml += '<BODY bgColor=#ffffff>'
cHtml += '<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Courier New>' + cBody + '</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>'

oEmailCfg := CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
oEmailCfg:Fields:Item( "http:" + "/" + "/" + "" ):Value := cServer // ""
oEmailCfg:Fields:Item( "http:" + "/" + "/" + "" ):Value := 465 // was 587
oEmailCfg:Fields:Item( "http:" + "/" + "/" + "" ):Value := 2 // 1 Pickup, 2 Port, 3 Exchange
oEmailCfg:Fields:Item( "http:" + "/" + "/" + "" ):Value := TRUE
oEmailCfg:Fields:Item( "http:" + "/" + "/" + "" ):Value := TRUE // FALSE
oEmailCfg:Fields:Item( "http:" + "/" + "/" + "" ):Value := cUserName
oEmailCfg:Fields:Item( "http:" + "/" + "/" + "" ):Value := cPassWord
oEmailCfg:Fields:Item( "http:" + "/" + "/" + "" ):Value := 10

Catch oError
MsgStop( oError:Description,"CDO.Configuration - cEMailCfg:Fields:Update()")
End Try
oEmailMsg := CreateObject("CDO.Message")
oEmailMsg:Configuration := oEmailCfg
oEmailMsg:From := cFrom // chr(34) + "" + chr(34) + "<>"
oEmailMsg:To := cToAddr // ""
oEmailMsg:Cc := ""
oEmailMsg:BCc := ""
oEmailMsg:Subject := cSubject
oEmailMsg:MDNRequested := FALSE
oEmailMsg:HTMLBody := cBody

If File( cAttach )
oEmailMsg:AddAttachment := cAttach

If lAttachCsv .AND. File( cCsvFile )
oEmailMsg:AddAttachment := cCsvFile

Catch oError
MsgInfo( "Could not send message" + ";" + ;
"Error: " + TRANSFORM(oError:GenCode, NIL) + ";" + ;
"SubC: " + TRANSFORM(oError:SubCode, NIL) + ";" + ;
"OSCode: " + TRANSFORM(oError:OsCode, NIL) + ";" + ;
"SubSystem: " + TRANSFORM(oError:SubSystem, NIL) + ";" + ;
"Message: " + oError:Description )
End Try
Return nil
Byron Hopp
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Re: New Fivewin with new PDF

Postby karinha » Tue Apr 05, 2022 7:20 pm

Byron, test your modified example now.

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// ** Test program for email *** version by

#include ""





   LOCAL cServer := ""
   LOCAL cUserName := ""
   LOCAL cPassWord := "MyPassword"
   LOCAL cFrom := ""
   LOCAL cSubject := DToC( Date() ) + "-" + Time() + ", Test for EMail"
   LOCAL cToAddr := ""
   LOCAL cCC := ""
   LOCAL cBody := "Email to test the SPF information in the EML. This email was authencated using the user name."
   LOCAL cAttach := "c:\PdfFolder\Hopp.pdf" // any pdf can go here
   LOCAL cCsvFile := ""
   LOCAL lAttachCsv := .F.
   LOCAL cLogFile := ""

   // It worked perfect Byron.
   LOCAL cServer    := ""
   LOCAL cUserName  := ""
   LOCAL cPassWord  := "MyPassword"
   LOCAL cFrom      := ""
   LOCAL cSubject   := DToC( Date() ) + "-" + Time() + ", Test for EMail"
   LOCAL cToAddr    := ""
   LOCAL cCC        := ""
   LOCAL cBcc       := ""
   LOCAL cBody      := "Body Byron: Email to test the SPF information in the EML. This email was authencated using the user name."
// LOCAL cAttach    := "c:\PdfFolder\Hopp.pdf" // any pdf can go here
   LOCAL cCsvFile   := ""
   LOCAL lAttachCsv := .F.
   LOCAL cLogFile   := ""

   IF .NOT. FILE( cAttach )

      MsgInfo( "Warning: PDF file, not located in source folder.", ;
               "Warning: PDF file, not located in source folder." )


   McsSendEMail( cServer, cUserName, cPassWord, cFrom, cSubject, cToAddr, cCC, cBcc, cBody, cAttach, cCsvFile, lAttachCsv, cLogFile )


FUNCTION McsSendEMail( cServer, cUserName, cPassWord, cFrom, cSubject, cToAddr, cCC, cBcc, cBody, cAttach, cCsvFile, lAttachCsv, cLogFile )

   LOCAL oError, oCfg, oMsg, lRet := .T.
   LOCAL cHtml := '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-/' + '/W3C/' + '/DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional/' + '/EN">'

   cHtml += '<HTML><HEAD>'
   cHtml += '<META content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv=Content-Type>'
   cHtml += '<META name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 8.00.6001.18783">'
   cHtml += '<STYLE></STYLE>'
   cHtml += '</HEAD>'
   cHtml += '<BODY bgColor=#ffffff>'
   cHtml += '<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Courier New>' + cBody + '</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>'

   /* // ??? Internal ???
   IF Upper( AllTrim( cServer ) ) <> "" .OR. ;
      Upper( AllTrim( cUserName ) ) <> "" .OR. ;
      AllTrim( cPassWord ) <> "sC-93611"

      MsgStop( "Please check the Email Credentials in the INI file, or call MCS.", "McsSendEmail" )




      oCfg := CreateObject( "CDO.Configuration" )

      WITH OBJECT oCfg:Fields

         oCfg:Item( ""       ):Value := cServer // Servidor SMTP
         oCfg:Item( ""   ):Value := 587     // nPort
         oCfg:Item( ""        ):Value := 2       // Remote SMTP = 2, local = 1
         oCfg:Item( "" ):Value := .T.     // lAut
         oCfg:Item( ""       ):Value := .F.     // lSSL // .F. Ou .T.
         oCfg:Item( ""     ):Value := TRIM(cUserName)
         oCfg:Item( ""     ):Value := TRIM(cPassWord)
         oCfg:Item( ""):Value := 60


      END WITH

   Catch oError

      MsgStop( oError:Description, "CDO.Configuration - cEMailCfg:Fields:Update()" )

   End Try


      oMsg := CREATEOBJECT ( "CDO.Message" )

      WITH OBJECT oMsg

         oMsg:Configuration := oCfg
         oMsg:FROM          := cFrom // chr(34) + "" + chr(34) + "<>"
         oMsg:TO            := cToAddr // ""
         oMsg:Cc            := cCC //""
         oMsg:BCc           := cBcc //""
         oMsg:Subject       := cSubject
         oMsg:MDNRequested  := .F.
         oMsg:HTMLBody      := cBody

      IF File( cAttach )

         oMsg:AddAttachment := cAttach


      IF lAttachCsv .AND. File( cCsvFile )

         oMsg:AddAttachment := cCsvFile



      END WITH

   Catch oError

      MsgInfo( "Could not send message" + ";" + ;
               "Error: " + Transform( oError:GenCode, NIL ) + ";" + ;
               "SubC: " + Transform( oError:SubCode, NIL ) + ";" + ;
               "OSCode: " + Transform( oError:OsCode, NIL ) + ";" + ;
               "SubSystem: " + Transform( oError:SubSystem, NIL ) + ";" + ;
               "Message: " + oError:Description )

      lRet := .F.

   End Try

   IF lRet

     MsgInfo( "Message sent successfully. Congratulations.", ;
              "Message sent successfully. Congratulations."  )


   oCfg := Nil
   oMsg := Nil


// fin / end - 05/04/2022 - - Covid-19

Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: New Fivewin with new PDF

Postby karinha » Tue Apr 05, 2022 7:30 pm

Byron, don't forget that starting in May, will be disabled for less secure APPs.

Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: New Fivewin with new PDF

Postby karinha » Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:44 am

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// \samples\BYRON.PRG  using -> worked perfect

// ** Test program for email *** version by

#include ""






   LOCAL cServer := ""
   LOCAL cUserName := ""
   LOCAL cPassWord := "MyPassword"
   LOCAL cFrom := ""
   LOCAL cSubject := DToC( Date() ) + "-" + Time() + ", Test for EMail"
   LOCAL cToAddr := ""
   LOCAL cCC := ""
   LOCAL cBody := "Email to test the SPF information in the EML. This email was authencated using the user name."
   LOCAL cAttach := "c:\PdfFolder\Hopp.pdf" // any pdf can go here
   LOCAL cCsvFile := ""
   LOCAL lAttachCsv := .F.
   LOCAL cLogFile := ""

   // It worked perfect Byron. Using:
                                   // nPort:   SSL
   //  {"", "", 465,   .T. },;
   LOCAL cServer    := ""
   LOCAL cUserName  := ""
   LOCAL cPassWord  := "mylongpassword"
   LOCAL cFrom      := ""
   LOCAL cSubject   := DToC( Date() ) + "-" + Time() + ", Test for EMail"
   LOCAL cToAddr    := ""
   LOCAL cCC        := ""
   LOCAL cBcc       := ""
   LOCAL cBody      := "Byron Using GMAIL.COM: Email to test the SPF information in the EML. This email was authencated using the user name."
// LOCAL cAttach    := "c:\PdfFolder\Hopp.pdf" // any pdf can go here
   LOCAL cCsvFile   := ""
   LOCAL lAttachCsv := .F.
   LOCAL cLogFile   := ""

   IF .NOT. FILE( cAttach )

      MsgInfo( "Warning: PDF file, not located in source folder.", ;
               "Warning: PDF file, not located in source folder." )


   McsSendEMail( cServer, cUserName, cPassWord, cFrom, cSubject, cToAddr, cCC, cBcc, cBody, cAttach, cCsvFile, lAttachCsv, cLogFile )


FUNCTION McsSendEMail( cServer, cUserName, cPassWord, cFrom, cSubject, cToAddr, cCC, cBcc, cBody, cAttach, cCsvFile, lAttachCsv, cLogFile )

   LOCAL oError, oCfg, oMsg, lRet := .T.
   LOCAL cHtml := '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-/' + '/W3C/' + '/DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional/' + '/EN">'

   cHtml += '<HTML><HEAD>'
   cHtml += '<META content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv=Content-Type>'
   cHtml += '<META name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 8.00.6001.18783">'
   cHtml += '<STYLE></STYLE>'
   cHtml += '</HEAD>'
   cHtml += '<BODY bgColor=#ffffff>'
   cHtml += '<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Courier New>' + cBody + '</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>'

   /* // ??? Internal ???
   IF Upper( AllTrim( cServer ) ) <> "" .OR. ;
      Upper( AllTrim( cUserName ) ) <> "" .OR. ;
      AllTrim( cPassWord ) <> "sC-93611"

      MsgStop( "Please check the Email Credentials in the INI file, or call MCS.", "McsSendEmail" )




      oCfg := CreateObject( "CDO.Configuration" )

      WITH OBJECT oCfg:Fields

         oCfg:Item( ""       ):Value := cServer // Servidor SMTP
         oCfg:Item( ""   ):Value := 465 //<-(gmail)   587     // nPort
         oCfg:Item( ""        ):Value := 2       // Remote SMTP = 2, local = 1
         oCfg:Item( "" ):Value := .T.     // lAut
         oCfg:Item( ""       ):Value := .T.     // lSSL // .F. Ou .T.(gmail)
         oCfg:Item( ""     ):Value := TRIM(cUserName)
         oCfg:Item( ""     ):Value := TRIM(cPassWord)
         oCfg:Item( ""):Value := 60


      END WITH

   Catch oError

      MsgStop( oError:Description, "CDO.Configuration - cEMailCfg:Fields:Update()" )

   End Try


      oMsg := CREATEOBJECT ( "CDO.Message" )

      WITH OBJECT oMsg

         oMsg:Configuration := oCfg
         oMsg:FROM          := cFrom // chr(34) + "" + chr(34) + "<>"
         oMsg:TO            := cToAddr // ""
         oMsg:Cc            := cCC //""
         oMsg:BCc           := cBcc //""
         oMsg:Subject       := cSubject
         oMsg:MDNRequested  := .F.
         oMsg:HTMLBody      := cBody

      IF File( cAttach )

         oMsg:AddAttachment := cAttach


      IF lAttachCsv .AND. File( cCsvFile )

         oMsg:AddAttachment := cCsvFile



      END WITH

   Catch oError

      MsgInfo( "Could not send message" + ";" + ;
               "Error: " + Transform( oError:GenCode, NIL ) + ";" + ;
               "SubC: " + Transform( oError:SubCode, NIL ) + ";" + ;
               "OSCode: " + Transform( oError:OsCode, NIL ) + ";" + ;
               "SubSystem: " + Transform( oError:SubSystem, NIL ) + ";" + ;
               "Message: " + oError:Description )

      lRet := .F.

   End Try

   IF lRet

     MsgInfo( "Message sent successfully. Congratulations.", ;
              "Message sent successfully. Congratulations."  )


   oCfg := Nil
   oMsg := Nil


// fin / end - 06/04/2022 - - Covid-19

Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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